
Hi I'm level 10 now just thought you should know. >:)

I used this to find out I couldn't run Goat Simulator on my 4-year old laptop. Reason: not enough RAM.

I woohooed IN SPACE AS AN ELDER. I came back and was on the verge of death.

If I were to actually run into that on a mountain road somewhere? Learning how to write "NOPE" in Japanese might become quickly relevant!

That is a toilet of biblical proportions. Holy shit.

No clearly this is 8-bit because PIXELS

Hey, it's not pirated, it's the The Sims 4: Minecraft Edition.

Glasses = Disguise.

Oh it has, and no doubt shall again. Along with the "murder people" mod. Now you can combine the hundred baby challenge with the murder everyone challenge! Maybe murder your own hundred babies challenge? I'll stop before they take me away...

But without the blur you would see that everyone poops with their pants on!

The fact such a mod has ever existed is fascinating to me.

Is the Teen Pregnancy Mod allowed on the 100-baby challenge?

I may not be a fan of his, but I have respect for him doing it. I don't imagine anything productive coming out of the comment section of a PewDiePie video, and his die hard fans are the worst.

Gonna need more bandages after all that Gamescom rage.

It should have been for Vita. The graphics would still have been downgraded but at least the controls would not be butchered. The title of the article would still have been the same but to me it would also be the most awesome way to enjoy Bioshock on the go just like Borderlands 2.

"You lack the courage... If your courage was 'Bad Ass' you may be able to get a kiss..."