
And also that was YEARS ago. The market is much different now.

Extra and Unlimited are o the same disk. You have to beat 1/3 of Extra to unlock Unlimited. Alternative is separate (it came out 2 years later), but has an import save function that very slightly alters your story.

Nice Boat rating guaranteed.

Looking at the KS video, they do allude to a possible KickStarter or direct release of Kimi once they finish up with Muv-Luv.

It has echii elements with sex scenes at the ends of the routes. Normal VN fare. Fate/Stay Night was like this too.


Depending on how well the KS goes they might as well add a stretch goal for console ports.

Yeah. It is. Especially with Muv-Luv Alternative as censoring some of the violent parts doesn’t necessarily make it any more kid friendly. :-X

So basically, Part 3 practically requires you to read the 18+ version (aka use the patch). Part 1 & 2 lose nothing if you just play Steam’s upcoming All-Ages version.

Ok, the first two parts of the series have a relatively small amount of fanservice for their length and have the usual eroge sex scene at the end of each route. (Just like Fate/Stay Night.) The third part however is what inspired Attack on Titan and thus is rather gruesomely violent at points. And in that one there

The best part is that since we got the first stretch goal, some of the better action sequences are going to look much closer to this than they did at release~

No problem.

The first two parts of the series aren’t really, but the last part of it is certainly there with Eva in terms of emotional trauma it can inflict on its readers.

Because it’s actually good. The first two games were sort of otaku bait, but then the third turned the series on its head and gave it the #1 ranking on VNDB. Think Attack on Titan but better.

^ X-P

Kotaku comments man. It’s a hive of salty salt.

Sadly, no.

Because this stuff isn’t as cheap and simple as you think it is.

Steam will get the all ages version. There will be a patch that adds the 18+ content.