Fuck Kinja

Most people that vote for the Green party do so because they do not want to vote for Democrats. If Stein hadn’t run, those Green voters likely wouldn’t have voted, so nothing would have changed.

Fairly obvious she isn’t interested about her legacy if she’s teaming up with the Westboro nutjobs.

I like the auto brightness on my S22 Ultra, I rarely have to override it.

I wasn’t referring to the hardware, I was referring to the people making the stupid decisions. Marvel offered the Spider-Man games to Xbox as exclusives, they said nope. Now they’re whining about not having enough exclusives so they have to buy other studios in order to catch up.

That’s about what I was paying two weeks ago. 

Yeah, I couldn’t care less about kids being banned, and might actually enjoy it.  Definitely won’t miss it.  But that doesn’t mean people with kids are faking their outrage about it, I’m sure they care deeply about it.

It speaks to how ingrained the attitude is built into some people that they continue to behave so poorly with women even after so many years of being publicly called out by the Me Too movement.

Huh?  You don’t think people could be genuinely upset about a place banning their kids?

Same stupid message, different ugly faces.

Paid $8 for a dozen in early January, a couple days ago it was $3.50 at the same store.

Does CFA pay you to write so many glowing articles about them?

Oooh!  Thanks!

Haha! Definitely gonna try that next time.

No mention of the strike?

There’s quite a few videos showcasing the bugs and glitches, especially on the Switch.  Seems like he took his toys and went home because the publisher made a shitshow of his toys.

Ha!  I do the same thing.  I don’t even have the card, I just put in my dad’s old phone number.

No probably about it.

“Kroger collects user data in a similar manner to MoviePass: through its loyalty card.”

“The trouble with is a rollback existed, is that somebody could rollback a recall, and then would the automaker be held liable for any injury that may occur?”

Crosstreks are only slow if you cheap out and don’t get the larger engine.