
The smartest thing Kendrick Lamar has done is convince people he’s not a “pop-rap” artist (whatever that means) despite doing songs with Taylor Swift, the Lonely Island, Maroon 5, Dido, Mayer Hawthorne, and Sia. 

and in 3 years they’ll be on tour together. i know how this movie ends.

Going with friends or as a group seems to be more common these days, thankfully.  Going without a date really wasn’t an option when I was in high school.

If you don’t want people to call you out online, don’t put yourself out there. It’s as simple as that.  it is the price you pay for celebrity. 

Man you can’t just say “the final episodes” in a headline, you made me think that the show had been canceled and I had missed the news! Had me freaking out for a sec there.

The fact that Radcliffe does weird, sometimes kind of fucked-up indie movies he finds interesting because he can afford to due to the financial safety cushion of his Potter money speaks nothing but well of him. Glad he’s doing something like the film the above image is from rather than “Christmas Prince” romcoms or

Didn’t one of the actors playing Malfoy’s toadies get into some kind of trouble with the law? He played either Crabbe or Goyle.

On the same note, Radcliffe has been very open about substance abuse WHILE he was making the Potter movies. But, he’s absolutely well adjusted and sober now, of course.

My guess? Relevance. She hasn’t really done anything of note as a writer outside of the HP novels and spinoffs, and being the spokesperson for a cause where few other celebrities are clamoring to unseat her gives her the attention she can’t get anymore by being the author of a beloved (yet aging) franchise.

Seems like she would know...shut the fuck up already. What good is this doing her?

Look at the comments by Radcliffe and the comments by Rowling, and tell me which is the more reasoned response by a happier person.

Beyond the hatefulness of her views, it makes her look really, really bad to be so petty and vicious toward these grown-up kid actors who are by all accounts and appearances, really great people, in spite of all the show business weirdness they must have encountered

“OK, it’s sad about JK Rowling. Now does anyone want to talk about any of the other films I’ve been in? There’s, like, 16 of them. Also, I act in plays and television.”
“Yeah, that’s great. So about Harry Potter...”

Exactly. Not just normal kids, but decent actors, with actual careers.

It’s almost shocking how well-adjusted the adults the Harry Potter child stars grew up to be are, even beyond the “big 3" of Daniel, Emma and Rupert.

There are people on the crew that aren’t rich or famous that depend on strict scheduling so that they can move on to their next project.

Unlike him they don’t have a driver and have to get themselves home to get like 4 hours of sleep before they have to get up for the next day’s shoot. For 2-3 months straight. And then deal with the stress of the production being behind schedule all because one dude whose only job is to show up on time and say his lines

He looks like William H Macy doing a Nick Cave cosplay.

Because the crew on the project then has to consistently work long days and skip lunch to accommodate him, which is not great for safety. 

The show can be both horrible AND a lightning rod for bad faith racists at the same time!