
Most jobs are stepping stones. An unpaid job isn’t an internship, it’s socially acceptable slavery.

Donald J. Turd

Centrist Democrats are Regean Republicans That support a woman’s right to choose and pretend to support gun law reforms.

I find myself becoming quite okay with largely, conservative, republican crowds being shot up by typically conservative, republican white men.

An elderly, yankee, jewish man courting the vote of southern white racists?

Yeezy gone skeezy.

Every single one of these charlatans can eat shit.

Eat shit, Kavanaugh lovers.

As a man of 6'6", every single one of these suggestions is horse shit. The issues is head room and not feeling like youre sitting in the backseat.

Waiting for post-joint Elon Musk to fix tennis.

Look at me! I’m burning money!

My citizenship status is : Go fuck yourself, BofA.

Make that bitch your bitch, you bastard!” - the greatest line in the history of television, cut by Fox, found as a dvd extra... season 2. i think.

Everybody Hates Stephen Miller.

And then the DNC tweeted their server passwords. 

Tom Perez, a Democrat’s Republican.

Hasn’t stopped me from continually reporting Trump’s tweets, fb posts, etc. as hate speech/false news/harassment. If we all do it, these horse shit social media shitholes would collapse.

This ballplayer is an American hero.

This driver is a hero!

It’s a simple case of Murder.