
Well, thanks for enlightening us, Dave Coulier! But would she go down on you in a theater?

If Kate Moss called me a basic bitch I’d get it emblazoned on a t-shirt and proudly tell everyone the back story at every opportunity.

For people living in NYC or northward, agreed.

or, in the case of British TV, they leave to pursue misguided film careers

I bet she has a “No Ragrets” tattoo on her lower back.

I don't even own A gun. Let alone many which would necessitate an entire rack!

Just my gut talking here, but isn’t Jewel’s use of remiss incorrect? I always thought it meant sort of negligent and it doesn’t seem to fit that sentence in that case. Of course, I left school about a million years ago, so I’m probably wrong.

WOW she looks like Jessica Lange!

I agree, I’ve never actually watched any Kardashian show (although I feel I still know WAY to much about them) but I always appreciate when infertility and miscarriage are talked about openly. I was fucking shocked when I started to try for a baby at 30 and faced 3 years of infertility followed by a miscarriage. When

I always thought Friends was meh, but I love Seinfeld, and you can’t get a shittier group of people than those, so...

I appreciate you love your friends (or at least respect your friend’s guests) and I love the intention behind this post, but the jewellery here is remarkably unexceptional. I have better statement necklaces (costume, I’m not bragging about some incredible expensive bling) that I wear to walk my dog. I would love to

I agree with Cher, Pinterest is the worst.
I do a lot of non-standard baking (gf, paleo, low-carb, etc.) and whenever I’m searching for recipes with google pinterest comes up and TRICKS me.
I do not want to look at PICTURES of cookies, I want to look at the recipes, and the majority of the time the recipes are not

That is not a human head, that is Christmas ham with a face carved into it.

Looks like all that time she spends “doing school” every weekday has been really effective.

If it was hacked I hope they catch whomever was responcible.

I for one, think Kanye has been really bad for Kim’s style. The “edgy” clothes he keeps choosing for her are strange and ill-fitting and her hair/makeup seep over processed and plastic. She wasn’t the queen of edgy before, but the look realy worked for her.

You surely understand that this is fiction, not reality, and that liberties are expected to be taken?

Quite the opposite, they’re bottling and selling it.

There are health risks to this whole practice: improper sanitation, not being able to fully clean menstrual cloths in order to avoid later infections, oh, AND BEING FORCED TO CLUMP UP IN TINY SHACKS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AND RUN THE RISK OF RAPE AND SNAKE BITE. But you go on, defending "traditions" that are just more

I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.