Merry Happy Merry Deleted

The problem is that a comedian should not host the golden globes. No one can take a joke. Everyone wants him to be simultaneously more funny and less offensive. We should see if we can get that north korean reporter in the pink to just read the results for you people.

To echo an earlier commenter, it's cruel and unnecessary to mock this kid for writing a song for his brother.

As toolish as this is, I also feel weird about putting this up to make fun of. I’d rather ignore it. This isn’t Chet Haze. This is some guy whose learning disabled brother was railroaded and sent to life in prison. Maybe his rap is douchey and he’s a douche but I can’t necessarily make fun of the sentiment.

Thank you for buying a $3.075 million mansion in the Bronx

Yes, but George, when you ruin your children, sometimes the state has to take them away from you for their own welfare.

Until i see an art major take Differential Equations, Cal 1-3 and theory and stats plus linear algebra like all the other STEM subjects do. Art doesn’t belong in STEM, just like any “soft science.” I can’t wait to see what happens if/when Japan goes through what they are pushing. I know we (USA) would never go for


Wow, fuck those people. I mean, I guess maybe we shouldn’t be all that surprised, since they pretty consistently show they have zero capacity to empathize with another’s situation. But that is next level assholery.

Are you OK?

After my car accident outside of the abortion clinic, protesters came to my car and were waving rosaries with plastic fetuses in place of the beads in the window. Never asked if I was okay.

Well if you are a person whose livelihood depends on you being in the public eye and interacting with the public (anyone in media, anyone in politics, anyone trying to promote their work in general), making your account and tweets private is kind of shooting yourself in the foot from a business standpoint. Those

jr, can you handle this kinja troll?

I’m upset about the robe alone for so many reasons. 1. I want a decadent robe 2. I want a context in where I can wear said decadent robe in front of others appropriately 3. I want to then talk about the decadent robe and the way I wore it in a throwaway manner, as if it were any old housecoat.

We’re having friends over for dinner at our upstate barn for New Year’s Eve. My husband is the cook in the family and little does he know the menu will be inspired by The Mission Chinese Food Cookbook he got for Christmas! I will be appropriately dressed in this lavish Gucci chinoiserie-printed robe—perfect for

(Rest of world shocked that Enrique still has tours.)

I’ve been watching F is for Family and it is surprisingly funny (and vulgar. Do not watch with kids.).

What you meant: “It’s complicated, people. Let’s talk about it.”

I loved this. I loved ALL of this. I know I’m going to get slammed for kissing your ass Jia, but I don’t care. This is the piece I’ve wanted to read from a Jezebel EIC for a long time. The promotion has changed you for the better.

I would wish, for this website and the Internet in general, we could disagree and try to have productive conversations instead of automatically calling names.

I really do enjoy reading your stuff, Jia.