Sarah J

Basically it's the opposite of live samesex porn. Gay men have a nice selection of porn made by men for men, while girls have to wade through a bunch of mainstream porn actresses with long nails.

I disagree, the sexual roles are usually determined by very conservative ideas about gender. That is, the sexually "submissive" one is usually more feminine than the sexually "aggressive" one, and those are reflected in their actual sex positions. It's tiresome because it results in questions like "Which one of you is

I hate it when slash acts like it is being socially progressive or some sort of favor for the LGBTQ+ community.

You must live a very charmed and extremely sheltered life to have developed that impression.

Why is it that slash fans are constantly having to answer for and made to feel shame for enjoying something that doesn't conform to the mainstream, male-dominated pop culture motifs and cliches.

The "Mr. Cosby forgives you" portion is such perp talk. I just hate the fact that we live in a world where someone can get away will dozens of sexual assaults while also getting money from supportive fans.

Whatever fantasy people choose to get off to, I really don't care.

This has been on my mind lately as well, and for me it really comes down to fully developed characters, and the fact that most female characters in media sort of suck.

As a long-time slash fan (almost 10 years now, god), what bothers me about the fandom obsession isn't the screaming, but the way the fans' fixation on fictional characters can carry over into real life. I love reading and writing about fictional characters being together (because they're fictional, so me shipping them

You shouldn't like a pairing because it's gay. You should like a pairing because you love the characters in it and the idea of their relationship. Het or gay shouldn't matter.

1.) It is okay to find gay men having sex hot.

Honestly I think a big thing is asking "does this person treat het/femslash couples similarly?"

Yes but it's worth it if it means that the sluts are punished. I mean, I font really think it's about working or not but about punishing and controlling women as much as possible. If it were really about saving babies wouldn't the logical tactic be to create free universal healthcare, free daycare, free birth control?

As of today, I am 5 days status post methotrexate therapy for treatment of an ectopic pregnancy. Although I certainly was prone to rage against shit like this before, my experience as a newly-minted "woman who is GUILTY of killing her (very wanted, but that's beside the point) BABY" has amplified my feelings about

Having a miscarriage is just proof that you didn't want the baby enough so God decided not to let you keep it, and not wanting the baby is practically the same thing as having an abortion and everyone knows abortion is murder. The previous sentence is a paraphrase of an actual thing an actual person said to my

Ask your local republican congressmen. I'm sure they agree with the countries rules (they just can't implement it) and could explain it without issue in very clear and precise words.

They did not believe that it was a miscarriage though all evidence pointed to miscarriage. And abortion is illegal in El Salvador. A few programs on NPR (check out Latino USA) have been reporting in-depth as to this situation.

What the fuck?