Sarah J

Contrary to popular belief when this point comes up in the wake of such tragedies, most parents aren't Sauron and can't have their All-Seeing Eye on their tykes at all times. These kids go to school, have their own peer groups, and often consume media content separately from their family. Plus, the preteen years are

Where are the parents of those little psychos

when they decide to stab another child 19 times. How does that not click as a criminal action to you? They didn't steal a candy bar, they attempted to sacrifice a fellow child to a mythical monster. As you said, they're twelve. Twelve year olds know the difference between reality and fiction. These kids don't,

you have to wonder whether they ACTUALLY believe this, or whether it's an almost troll-like cover story.

so they shouldn't go to jail for attempted murder? They stabbed a kid 19 fucking times. Want to give them an ice cream as a reward? They're both obviously mentally ill to believe that not only is slender man real, but that he appeared to theme IN PERSON, and told them to kill. By all means, let's have them return

Weier told police that Slender Man is the "leader" of Creepypasta, and in the hierarchy of that world, one must kill in order to show dedication.

What's your solution for premeditated attempted murder? Community service?

Eh. When I was twelve I wouldn't have fucking murdered another kid, and I'd have expected to go to jail for life if I had.

Lets let them into your neighborhood first then, hope you don't have any kiddies.

This brings up issues that are bigger than one school's dress code. Women's bodies are endlessly controversial. Unfortunately, telling girls what to do with their bodies doesn't end once they graduate high school or turn 18 but carries over into our lives as women, our careers, motherhood, politics, and nearly every

So much for my idea of shorts which cover the knees, but expose the genitals..

I'm saying the idea that they somehow won't know what things are appropriate for different situations unless the school enforces a "fingertip rule" or something similar isn't the main reason for most dress codes. I'd argue a Totoro onesie is equally inappropriate for school, but because she's covered her dangerous

My daughter once went to school in this. No one cared. And somehow she still knew to wear a blouse and slacks to her retail job after school.

There was a crack down on my high school about the length of our shorts and dresses, and junior year they officially added the "fingertip test" to our dress code, but they specifically worded it so that it only applied to the girls. So, in protest, the out and proud (and very brave) gay guy in my grade came to school

Look, I'm a little old fashioned in that I'm a fan of my daughter dressing up for her viola recital, her school orchestra concert, church on Sundays and a million other events (and yes, some of them occur during a particular school day). And she loves doing that.

Right? Should we be letting men get drivers' licenses if they can't concentrate at the slightest glimpse of skin or bra strap?

Sorry, I'm sure the cause is great and all, and I don't have a facebook, but if I did I might be hesitant to disclose to my employers and relatives that "Displayname likes 'Project Slut'"

I'm really amazed how much girls these days are embracing feminism. I'm only 21, but even when I was in high school (an art school in NYC) there was only one girl who actively identified as a feminist.

Why not just mandatory short shorts, across the board. Girls, boys, faculty.. I had a 9th grade social studies teacher who was 6'6", with a combover, full beard and a lazy eye who could've rocked the hell out of some jorts.

I'm not against the concept of dress codes, but so many schools have ridiculous dress codes, including this. We need to end the "boys will be boys" mentality since that's the only reason why girls have to limit their fashion choices in school.