Oran J Sands III

The strain of filtering oil I guess.

Cummins has been testing truck engines like this for decades. Take one semi-trailer, put in one diesel engine driving it’s wheels in a reverse direction via a hydraulic coupling. Simply add more throttle to the trailer to create loads! Seen it rip up pavement by dragging the trailer around.

I was searching for Humber stickers. The “h” and “b” are really close.

Aren’t we all.

Must be something in the water. Telsa grew up in the same area. Or maybe he’s still kickin’ around.

I ran a rally once with a college friend in a Lotus 7 back in ‘70. We were standing at opposite ends of the car when we both noticed someone starting to sit on the fender wing. I tackled him high and the owner tackled him low, putting him on his butt instead of the fender. The only weak spot on the car.

Exactly! They seemed to think it was a great deal!

I was once offered to be allowed to skip taking all the degree requirements due to my experience. All I had to do was sign up for the classes and then they’d let me teach them. That’s right, I’d pay for the classes and they wouldn’t pay me for teaching.

Just as important as getting the fitting on before you flare is to make sure it’s not on backwards.

In the early days many windshield wipers were vacuum motor powered. Without a vacuum reservoir they would speed up at slow speeds and slow down on the highway. Less than optimal. I remember my dad’s Nash behaving that way.

It was actually not new but the first time in a race car. Interestingly Ray Haroon never told anyone until long afterward that it vibrated so badly it was worthless.

I need this for a new world record attempt later this year! Are they being imported to the US?

Optional cupholder from VW.

All I need now are the modeling files and a large 3D printer. I’ll be in my bunk.

It’s all about the convenience of an idea. Which is easier to believe? The world is flat or round? It “looks” flat. Whatever I believe I don’t want to think too hard about.

Early version of Joss Whedon.

My favorite stages were the ones with no instructions. Just go like hell and read the road. Back before pace notes became a thing in American rallying.