While at Luton, England passing through the airport gates, we were picked out randomly(?) by some copper who reminded, we ‘Muricans, that he, as a British cop, could do whatever he wanted and it was established by law. So there goes that.
While at Luton, England passing through the airport gates, we were picked out randomly(?) by some copper who reminded, we ‘Muricans, that he, as a British cop, could do whatever he wanted and it was established by law. So there goes that.
Oh, NYT, how far you have fallen. What’s happened to the NYC driving? It’s like the population has lost all sense of what cars are about. Have you forgotten Rene Dreyfuss and Le Chanteclair so thoroughly? Sad that the NYT should be so pathetic as to post such an opinion.
No. The job of journalists to explain the reality and truths behind matters. While political journalism can afford to distort reality, automotive journalism cannot. This is a potentially a legal problem so while we can have opinions about how people view cars or even drive them, an opinion does not prove anything…
It’s not cheap and dunno about the veracity of these, but maybe these guys might be willing to underwrite a sample unit for you with free advertising from you. I’d be willing to try it just because I hate humidity and heat together and since I’d use it just for sleeping, it’d be worth it.
Well, sometime for things like this, basic is better anyways. It’s not like you’re going to go racing is this thing. Even with stock flywheel and clutch it should handle most everything you’ll do. Probably a spare clutch, flywheel bolts, and a spare heavy duty radiator (new) would be a good idea. Maybe a decent oil…
The day is young and all is possible.
They weren’t Canadian bollards so it’s ok. Plus, they look like vaccine tubes so good too.
2nd gear. The best Tesla for Japan is probably the 3, followed by the Y since they’re quite a bit smaller than the other 2. Having a big car there isn’t the greatest. It’s fine but not really fun in certain places where it can be quite narrow. Somewhat like parts of older Europe where the streets are more suited to…
TBH, I fell asleep at one point right after Ice Cube; to me it was just too small a track for the new cars. I would’ve preferred them running laydown karts. It would’ve been a better show. It’s ok otherwise, but the karts would’ve provided a better distinction between the driver skills.
No Dan Neills at the NYT, unfortunately.
Well, at least, it doesn’t look like a seaborne penis.
EDIT : it doesn’t look that big an upgrade. I mean, it doesn’t have SAM launchers, a helo pad, and sub bays. He has to have a separate shadow boat for the helopad which is kinda lame. That’s just sad.
Sad attention seeking behavior.
It’s ok but I’d rather just surface my sub into the middle of it rather than messing about downflooding the hull. Although, it does make a heck of a saltwater pool.
Normally, I’d agree. The fly in the ointment for me is that this one has gone beyond the standard flu-like reservoirs and expanded into other mammalian species like cats, dogs, small rodents, and at the same time gotten into ungulates and others; this raises the problem of how many species interactions will occur…
Not to mention that Elon owns one of the Esprit subs.
Not to mention that Elon owns one of the Esprit subs.
Hmm. Sounds like Elons wet dream.
I’d never cross that by foot. But help me build a truck out of leftover bits and I’d do it even with some old dynamite in the back.
Eh. Walmart bikes? They popularized fast fashion, why wouldn’t their bikes be like tissue paper?
Damn. The Kennedys sure have fallen to lows. Joe must be rolling over in his grave.