
Taylor Swift? Not a follower but she sings great and I’ve at least heard of her and think that Scott Braun and BM are Bowel Movements and Shamrock is just the dribble afterwards.

Stainless Steel Doorstop


You forgot to include the qualifier for “good Star Wars” movies. 


? Like pressing an icon so the ‘uninstall’ option comes up is too hard? Wow.

Eh. The kids use Discord anyways so they really don’t give a crap about the Apple stuff much. One uses her iPad for drawing but that’s about it. The branding aspect they don’t like too much simply because there’s too much ego and status involved which they think is lame and negatively retro. 

Sounds like a family business. Or the football team getting back together after finding no jobs in the semi-pro leagues. 

1st Gear - If there ever is a metric for RSG, it should be an atmospheric and waste stream CO2/CH4 recovery system that uses renewables to pull that stuff out and modifies it for gas/diesel/JPx and uses zero out of the ground. Otherwise, it’s just the same ol’ ground extraction bs.

One problem I see is that 18-20 yr olds can often be dominated by their bosses into doing things that that contravene common/good sense. For the long-hauler, it’s often a thankless job and an 18 year old kid who doesn’t know necessarily how to deal with a bully boss, that’s trouble right there. While the QoL and the

Entirely true. However, I can see that a relatively safe place like Mexico or Central America is no longer the equivalent of merely a drug dealers haven but a risk factor for accelerated usage of military systems under the control of idiots, not even people with a real purpose.

That probably was a safe plan 20 years ago. Nowadays, it seems every kind of wacko is everywhere and since the market is flooded with access to all sorts of crap, simply being a safe distance away from conflict is no longer easily realized.

Did you even bother to read the post?
A simple Google-fu yields :

The American Taliban is starting to show its true colors. 

I’d do it if it was close to me on the West Coast.

Eh. I find many of those “English” words utilized in standard American auto word usage anyways. For instance:
stabilizer I rarely use and normally use anti-roll bar; though on occasion when talking to a mechanic, I might use ‘front roll bar’ or ‘rear roll bar’.
Accelerator, I probably use at the same rate as gas pedal.

Eh. I find many of those “English” words utilized in standard American auto word usage anyways. For instance:
stabilizer I rarely use and normally use anti-roll bar; though on occasion when talking to a mechanic, I might use ‘front roll bar’ or ‘rear roll bar’.
Accelerator, I probably use at the same rate as gas pedal.

Eh. I find many of those “English” words utilized in standard American auto word usage anyways. For instance:
stabilizer I rarely use and normally use anti-roll bar; though on occasion when talking to a mechanic, I might use ‘front roll bar’ or ‘rear roll bar’.
Accelerator, I probably use at the same rate as gas pedal.

In Ireland, lots of spiders and moths is what we experienced.

LOL. You need to read some proper history and learn exactly what happened before and during WWII in order to manufacture the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’. The entire War Production Board was run by capitalists. Even the AFL was subservient to the WPB and US interests. Stop being a knee-jerk wannabe and do some actual