
Yeah. Offenhausers forever! JK, maybe not a single engine choice but 2 or 3. For instance, in the infamous Good War, the US had several radial engine choices for airplanes. You could choose the 9 cylinder Wright R1820 Cyclone or the 14 cylinder Pratt and Whitney R1830 Twin Wasp for smaller demands or go to a Wright

Well, they’re self-driving so it’ll be fine. They’ll drive you out of trouble. Or, at least, until the next holiday update.

Geez. Now, imagine it being in West L.A. where the God-emperor-lord thought up the idea and put it amongst the greatest concentration of privileged Tesla drivers in the world. No possible way things could go wrong there!

The narrow lanes were an issue in Ireland.  The biggest scare I had was while driving around Beara on a back road and going around a blind corner, we met a guy in his car going quickly. I had to run over some brush on the side to get out of his way. That was kinda nasty. 

Very interesting. Having driven recently in Ireland, I found the left hand lane and right hand drivers position to be an interesting change. That being said, having little knowledge of the exact details of light stops and turns allowed, I have to say it didn’t really matter over there. Basically, just following what

The power of perserverance and a 1/2 ton of good luck. 

That’s what you get for trying drive like Max but achieving Mazepin instead.

It’s all a bit of a circus, isn’t it?

Maybe if all the battery engineers thought of a cheaper way to swap batteries out we won’t see this as much in the future. Because it’s sure to be the case when people get tired of their old, bad battery designs, they’ll resort to all sorts of ways to spectacularly end their cars existence.

Yup, agreed with everything he said. The fact that MB dropped the appeal and didn’t go to the Gala awards in any fashion kind of points out the fact that the rules have been poorly applied this year and repercussions are arbitrary.
Next year should be very interesting. The new cars and setups should be a bit of a

Yup. There’s a case to be made for software devs to make games with lower performance hardware simply because that’s what will sell their games. As it is, my family looks to older games simply because that’s what will run on their rigs as $2000 video game cards aren’t looked on as legitimate sources of fun. In fact,

They’re a bunch a idiots. They’re fine with running into a burning warehouse full of VOCs. But a mask or a vaccine, horrors, I might get sick.
JFC, get over yourself, fake firefighters, you’re not doing anyone any favors. And, btw, to that LAFD fire chief who lives in Texas and commutes to LA for work, go eff yourself

Eh, I’ve seen worse. $11000 seems slightly high considering it needs a transmission swap and really deserves a 5/6 speed. The rear end body mods aren’t very nice looking, the front end looks ok though. $9500-10k seems more reasonable. The steering wheel is amusing. I’d probably leave it as is.

Who is running that place nowadays anyways? It’s been through a few handlers with all the political jazz up in SC county.

24 Hours of Daytona, 12 Hours of Sebring, and, of course, LeMans

Uhm. Perhaps you should review how the F1 Power Units work. 

See, what you really want to do is to build a diy version of the F1 power unit with old ICE engine up front and the MGUH, MGUK set toward the rear with the Energy store set all the way in the back. You could probably get a full 265 lbs of battery back there easy. That’d be a fun challenge to do!

Most unfortunate. Sad to hear. RIP. 

Um, who owns Volvo now?

Sure it is. The sublime life of American celebritydom just isn’t appreciated enough. There should be a broadcast/streaming show called ‘My Life Among Serial Rocket Fiends’ starring Grimes, Lauren Sanchez, and Mackenzie Scott. Pattern it a bit after RHOMars or something like that.