TBH, some people have moved on. But a lot of people consider it a modern Lost Cause and base a lot of decision-making around it.
TBH, some people have moved on. But a lot of people consider it a modern Lost Cause and base a lot of decision-making around it.
TBH, I’m a little surprised they didn’t go with a hybrid 1st. It’s good that they’re working on a pure EV but I could see that a hybrid version would be preferable to some Jeep people before a BEV. Then again, I suppose 2035 is closer than we think in terms of assembly lines.
Hey now. Don’t forget a BSW/BSF/ tool also :
BSW aka Imperial
In the meantime, let’s not get too fine a threaded discussion about what’s AF and UNC, etc.
You have to remember that auto manufacturing nowadays is largely Just-In-Time processing as far as ordering goes. So even if a shop orders ‘x’ amount just-in-case, it’s not much extra product that OEM is going to keep in stock because that’s pretty much wasted money. This same standard extends all up and down the auto…
Considering it has a California title, is running ok still and has an intact interior, it’s an ok price.
Ahem, these are the same people who are constantly denying that they have abused minors at their camp soirees and overnighters. Why would they bother sticking to the truth when it comes to a woman who is not only black but also descended from SA immigrants and comes from California? It’s Texas and Baptists come…
Whew. For a sec, I thought you were talking about this Jim Broadbent!
Precursor or harbinger :
Are they donkable? I think so. Though it’ll be hard on my old man hips and knees.
So much of JIT.
It’s Missouri. I recall a young physician many years ago who was recruited by a hospital out there. He decided against it when the recruiters drove him around town and showed him what housing he would be supported with from the hospital. Basically, it was the nicest part of town and it was definitely nice. But…
In this case, the ha’Pence is partially there to avoid the hanging tree of double-crossing by the MAGAt crowd. Much easier to filter the wackos at departure and then again at arrival.
When the talentless s/o asks the Hollywood producer husband to do a little nepotism so they can have credits on imDB.
I get it. And I’m talking about what the American seditionists would’ve doing rather than taking blacked out SUVs and gun-trucks to the capitol.
Yup. ‘cept the bro-trucker seditionists would’ve youtubed themselves taking a jump over the mall 1st.
Crazy but not too surprising for Yodobashi-Akiba. But really what’s important to know is whether or not that karaage all-you-can-eat is still open? There was a really nice dessert shop too that served a great little raspberry tart and mini-bowls or ramen at the same time. That was great. Sure hope they’re still going…
Mans got to slow down on the devil weed.
Torch, just get one of these Schwimmwagen, it should appeal to your old-timey instincts and is actually a production thing which is even better than the modded stuff :
Hm. Bad ergonomics for bad economics. No doubt there’s a rationalization but it’d be a crappy one for sure.