
The physician wife tells me that once people have knowledge they should pack a tube of Ayclovir in their purse or travel kit or even the car so they can start on early prevention of blistering when they can feel an episode coming on. The tube is faster, easier but quite pricey. The pills are easier and cheaper but

Meh, this is what happens when you move from Gardena to Tennessee.

Hong Kong?

Phone booth style battle :

No one around to call BS on the three dumpsters....

Sounds like beginner change to me. I mean, it was a ferric powder to begin with; just getting it to where you’re at is pretty remarkable all things considered. It’s really a great learning experience even if you paid 3 large to figure it all out. The wonder is how long will you be willing to keep it.

Nice as usual.Love that shot at Asakusa...

Blue rust, amazing.

Ooops, someone beat me to it...

True, but the old radar farts I knew back then who knew better would cook their lunches on their radar dishes. In fact, apparently some of them knew how to calculate the correct distance for best heating depending on the food, like coffee vs a sandwich. So there’s sleeping as far as I knew for those guys

Yup, pretty much. The thing isn’t that a Merc truck even if it is mediocre wouldn’t sell in SoCal. It’s just that Merc and local Merc dealers can’t figure out how to sell it correctly. It really would have to be an AMG/Renntech truck that would get rid of all the lame/cheap industrial MB bits and replace them with

One thing to check also is that the hoses aren’t kinked or clogged anywhere. Quite often, moving around stuff under the sink can kink the hoses up. In addition, a sloppy installation can do that behind the unit itself and you’d never know unless you pulles the unit out yourself. Also it’s worth it to clean the lines

One thing to check also is that the hoses aren’t kinked or clogged anywhere. Quite often, moving around stuff under

Hmmm. Always lacking a convenient icepick, I’ve always used an aluminum bar of about 20 inches or so; it’s worked great for fish up to 20-25lbs or so (actually about the biggest freshwater I’ve caught with the kids really). Just a big old whack right on the skull after pulling it out of the water. Didn’t bring it last

The problem is that this generation of parents have been seduced the last 20 (or more) years by the siren call of college recruiters who go about selling their colleges in a big business way. While that is a bit of a problem, the gigantic hidden whale tail of the problem is that past graduates of virtually all of

Specifically, it’s well-regarded by certain people in SoCal. Not everyone here is enamored of that particular campus.

Nice, but do I get to repair on my own or do I have to have Williams/JCB do it a la John Deere exclusive agent repair shop? ‘Cuz then it’s a crack pipe cost.....

You mean the Oscillation Overthruster? Much more interesting than the Flux Capacitor, IMHO.....

Meh, in that example, the problem(s) existed before the QA staff even touched it. If you really want to have good QA, have a good dev team and a better set of experienced and knowledgeable developer managers. I guarantee you this is the problem at so many of these studios. Many of the senior management really have no

More specifically, it’s good for the HR dept. to have a company that has rapid turnover. Defines the departments existence. No turnover, no HR to speak of.

Gee, that guy looks like the guy who made my soba up in Shirakawa-go....Now I have to go and find my soba master videos....Nice.