ROFL! Perfect matchup.....
ROFL! Perfect matchup.....
For a brief sec there, I thought I was looking at a ST:TOS shuttlecraft....
ends up next to Sherman Oaks Hospital before it got bought by a bunch of greedy moneygrubbing hacks. Like oldhome week, coulda been me in one of those shots...
Basically, you might as well as just get more railroad trains....
It’s relic within commercial use because everyone wants to go 2 engine for cost and efficiency so you as a civilian can enjoy your humongous coach seat and frills. For government use, it’s perfect because for a presidential a/c, you don’t want to use the least of everything which the public uses. It’s “ok” for the…
They should offer a 2-for-1 milkshake deal every time a Republican “lawmaker” shows their face in public. Drink 1, throw 1. Support your dairy industry, people!
Roger Penske. Geez, I hope he’s not a big Trump guy; probability is high though. Sad.
Hmmm, last time I was up in Maine, in Acadia, we had lobster and seafood (at Beals, IIRC). They had an outside dining area but we decided to eat in when all the airborne sea rats came swarming. The best thing, though, was to go to Rats and pick up his fresh harvest (luckily for us, he had actually decide to go out on…
Was just down there for a Heal the Bay cleanup and my son and friends found one buried deep. So deep, they couldn’t pull it out; all they could get to was the back wheel. And it was at the water line so it was corroding away too....
Man, I was just down at Venice by 17th near Titis Tacos in the AM and there was this one shop owner who was super-pissed at a Bird that had been left in front of his shop. Basically, he was doing a hammer throw with it and every time it landed (about 15 feet or so), he’d go over and pick it up and do it again.…
Try some Costco brand acidcarriers; you’ll need to clean often, more often than you think. Baking soda, though, is an excellent battery acid neutralizer. Try that.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The van OEMs are missing the boat when it comes to supplying a sports van. Supply a high-performance van that’s just a bit different and sufficiently “frightening” compared to standard vans. Like it would have actual full-time active sports suspension instead of generic…
Hmm. Well, reading his press release could lead one to think the withdrawal has something to do with oval safety. It’s entirely possible. However, if it’s the case for Chilton then his attempts to qualify at Indy are a bit unfortunate as well. If he was softpedaling it because it was too risky that’s understandable.…
Bali could use a couple of those. Their poor beaches are just filled with trash and plastic and the Javanese just aren’t able to cope; they seriously need some help.
Oh, that’s really mean. Just mean. Why? Why? My late lunch/early supper has just gone bad, bad, bad. Your fault. But, so funny too. You’re mean....
Hypermilers wet dream.....
At first glance, the Porsche app sounds like a great idea. But, upon second thought, this is Waze for people too lazy to actually explore with their car. It’s like a checkbox app: ‘hey, I finished the Porsche app so I’ve driven the best roads in existence in my Macan while sipping on my Soy Latte and listening to the…
They should’ve hired Norm McDonald to play Shelby straight-up. He could’ve done it as Shelby was definitely a chicken farmer and a joker; he has the height and easily could do the twang. I wish this had been done as a proper mini-series. Those years had some real characters and history that were particularily…
Alas, if only the movie had the trailer format but no more dialogue, exposition, or extra explanation other than more racing cars, audio, and speed.
Yeah, you’re right. I wonder what his rationale is; is he just burnt out from doing all the F1 seasons? Or does he think that as a F1 champion, he rates more advantage and less work? You’d think that he wants to have every edge just to get the Crown....