You should do a similar write-up about soba noodles since summer is coming and soba noodles are perfect for summer.
You should do a similar write-up about soba noodles since summer is coming and soba noodles are perfect for summer.
Naw, she’s perfect for the new Hand...
4Runner or Ascent, although Torchs suggestion is a really interesting one.
Screw ‘em. They got what they asked for. Idiocracy.
True, but also in this storyline, Dany going “crazy” is a little overblown in interpretation by too many people (personally, succumbed to the “Mad Queen” moment too). More like she lost her temper. But it’s pretty clear in tone, that all along she was just a few clicks away from going scorched earth. Many of the…
Baku, Sochi, Vietnam, Brazil (indeterminate circumstances), South Africa, Bahrain, China, Abu Dhabi, even Singapore. The rest either have tradition or actual real car markets to appeal to. One could say Brazil is ok simply because of tradition as well but the country is seriously messed up. One could say South Africa…
Part of it too is that F1 is a traveling circus with a big retinue of hangers-on. Many of which have dubious pasts; look at where some of the current tracks are located or are locating too. Not nations with the best records of anti-corruption activity. It’d be far too easy to hide money exchanges in those locales....
The problem is not enough of the right people hate him. If all the stupid rich Republican donors hated him, he’d be gone already. Instead, they’re depending on him to keep their status intact. If they were 1 step smarter, they’d realize that all their tax dodges and financial loopholes are going to get much closer…
Ok, that’s a perfectly fine explanation as well.
I’m probably the only one ok with the Dragon Queen losing it. As soon as Missandei says ‘Dracarys’ and loses her head, that’s the signal for Dany to lose her head. The only problem for the show is that the next episode leaves the Dragon Queen little to nothing to show her loss of control other than going nuts. So,…
The entire GOP and the Republican support system is to blame for this; da Dumpster is simply a reflection of them. He would never have made it this far if they had been intelligent enough to avoid baiting the mob to vote for him. But, the conservative wing just had to stay in power and this was the easiest and…
Good for them. Besides who wants to buy everything from a supplier? It’d be like GM parts bin engineering, ughh.
The wheels on the train go round and round, round and round........nothing like watching those coupling rods at work.....
Depends on the city but totally understandable. Population and housing density easily drives ownership. OTOH, if financial reasons are your prime motivation for not owning a car, it’s not any different than previous generations and while living in a big city can provide alternatives to having a car, the option of…
Maybe they’ll do a LS7/3 LMP fake job...wouldn’t be the first time someone did it. Although to be honest, I’d be way more happy with some custom factory work myself. Sort of old-school in that respect....
Aaaannndddd, Detroit and others wonder why kids aren’t so hot about cars nowadays. God forbid, you actually do pull the wrong fuse for a reason that’s stupid, the cars will just stop on you. Very unforgiving in that respect. Sure, it’s great if you want to fiddle with electronics all day but how many kids have a spare…
She coulda done both at Epcot; the SeaBase there has a manatee in a tank. But I get the rest of it; the southern end has a lot of wildlife, my favorite was driving through Merritt Island NWR. Nothing like driving up on gators and waiting for them to move out of your way. That, and the tons of Dehavilland-sized…
I wonder if there’s something like this for drones. Nowadays, there’s a thing where all the realtors like to get drone footage of the houses they’re listing. Unfortunately, they also abuse the privilege and drone-scan houses nearby to check out what’s going on with the neighbors. Annoying as all hell.
It’s a bit of a semantic mess, isn’t it? Desirability vs. affordability. Even a dullard Ferrari ‘69 365 Gt 2+2 would considered more desirable than a conventional ‘69 Vette. A ‘69 Miura next to a 365 GT 2+2 would be no comparison. The Miura, looks wise, has few competitors and is way more desirable. OTOH, the Vette is…