
TBH, when I was there, I never even noticed anyone local making a racket with noodles. If one is going to go look for trouble, one can find it. Whether it’s worth pushing the trouble into ‘tourist review hell’, not sure if it’s worth it. More than likely these same people can’t stand sushi or anime or how to drink tea

That’s the reality of the right; bs about immigration but take advantage of the cheap labor at the same time. Or as John Kelly is underwriting, setup a systematic child abuse operation under the guise of “protecting the US” while keeping the paperwork non-existent. Shades of Pizzagate; of course, the right troll-works

Haha, me too.

This is a mental holdover from the days when American cars were dominant in the world. My parents had the same mentality all through the ‘70s until my mom couldn’t handle the gas consumption on her Buick GS350 and the constant mechanical problems with it. She went to Honda in the late ‘70s and never looked back.

The real problem with minivans is that they don’t get the motorlove that SUVs and sports sedans have. If I could get an Ody with a factory supercharged V6/transmission combo that could pull 300hp at the wheels, I think OEMs would be surprised at how many people would be down for it.

Now we’ll see who really owns the pizza in Florida....

As a kid (15yrs old), I worked as a busboy at a now long-defunct restaurant. On occasion, while pulling bread from the bread(warming) drawer, someone might drop a piece or two on the floor. They’d get picked up, dusted off, and then sent out to the tables. It was rare but it happened. That and roaches in the ice cream

It’s too bad they don’t fly any real Draken J-35s. That would be super cool.

We already have plenty of bacteria on and within us. It’s keeping them healthy that’s important. Quality vs. quantity has important distinctions for bacteria when we need the correct ones for our personal health.

No way. The FJ is the perfect thing to cruise OC with. It’ll fit in just about any crowd and is different enough to be a great conversation starter. A quick run up to Joshua Tree or Coachella is what that’s built for. DT FTW.

What everyone who’s had a piece of the action of ST has been missing is ‘The Doomsday Machine’. That’s an episode that could be followed up in any ST universe or even a new one. So ripe for picking.

Betcha the last stage of the Tour de France is good with him; after all it’s a tradition that been around since 1975 ;>)

It’s funny, I reread Zieglers book and he doesn’t even mention the tail-less part of it. It must have been a distinction that didn’t matter to him but others, uh, much much later on.....
OTOH, he does make a bit of noise about T, C, and Z-stoff.

Hey, now, Flying Flapjack. We all know it when we see it......hehe.

Methinks the problem is that nowadays, people are adapted to see the B2, A12, X47 planforms and think that is THE definition of a flying wing. Vertical surfaces cannot be allowed in such a description then. It’s really a failure in nomenclature and context since even fewer people know about the B-35/B49 and think of

Or power plant? Asymmetric thrust all of the sudden?

Not to dispute entirely but the rudder should be considered an important flying control and as such is not part of the wing flight controls.
However, since the original Lippisch Deltas pretty much defined the basic layout of his Nurflugel, it could be said that a Komet is a flying wing. OTOH, maybe the only true

It’s easy enough to find if one just knows where to look. In virtually every history of aircraft with a tailless design, the Komet gets mentioned at some point. While using Wiki has its’ problems, in this case, not a big deal :

Ahh, missed that.
