Merlin the Tuna

Just wait till they play Boston Robotics....

For years Johan has waited for his extensive knowledge of the history and culture of Moravia to be of some practical use. Today was that day.

People outside the White House didn’t know FDR had polio and was mostly bound to a fucking wheelchair when he wasn’t appear in public. The White House will cover up anything and everything to project a strong President. It’s the representation of our country. Image matters.

If Trump didn’t tweet and was physically capable of shutting the hell up other than reading prepared speeches, people would probably think he was somewhere near the top of the bottom 1/4th of presidents. Wholly unremarkable, not great but not like, Pierce bad. He’d be like, a Benjamin Harrison or something.

Gay Agenda explained.

Oh, it’s most definitely been explored....

You know they’re a legit website because they’ve got the word “accredited” right there in the name.

Managed to grab a slide from the last convention.

Oh, for sure. I’ve found that in the Sacramento area, people generally adopt a “stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours” attitude, but it’s usually coupled with that cowardly brand of low-level racism that doesn’t go out and hang a noose in a tree, but does worry about “those people”, usually in conjunction with

“/adds bookmark to “Reasons To Homeschool Or Fund New Charter School With Rigorous Hiring Standards For Future Sprogs” folder”

“White people invented the drive-by”—my grandmother

your snark is perfectly on the mark.

Yes, fingers crossed that a Boston sports team will finally catch a good break for once, and a deserving and humble fan base will be rewarded with a legitimate chance at a title.

Smh hasn’t the use of Brown Strawmen done enough damage in this country?

That’s a ridiculous amount of speculation that he does steroids based on “he’s a jerk”.

remember kids, if ever you get in trouble for bad behavior, just escalate that bad behavior for 2 years straight and you’ll be rewarded with fame and fortune

So she admits she’s maybe just an above-average player and is just doing her thing the way she wants to do it. Sounds like the outraged anti-feminists contributed greatly to her fame with the Streisand effect.

Great profile. I wish Nagasu every bit of good luck and every success. Skaters work so goddam hard.

This IS the conservative party as it’s always been, just with the thin veneer of respectability stripped away. There is nothing unusual about this incarnation of conservatism. At all. It’s always been racist, classist, queerphobic, and religious in all the wrong ways.