Merlin the Tuna

Sometimes this can be a bit clunky—there are at least a few identities that can only really be “solved” by messing around with the game’s three-at-a-time system for verifying guesswork...

Some of that is because Alicia was ridiculous, but honestly I think the bigger issue is that you can activate a single unit multiple times per turn rather than using all of your units once.

Anecdotally: Of the 258 titles in my DVD queue right now, 22 are available via streaming. At 8.5%, I think this is actually a little lower than it’s been in the past - I think it’s come out just over 10% the last couple times I’ve checked. Which kinda makes sense, since the increasing fragmentation of licenses across

I totally agree that there’s an interesting thread to pull at regarding the greater political trend alluded to in the episode, but it’s really more texture than plot, similar to Shatia’s job being an underpaid, quasi-freelance PI for an insurance company that is clearly way too empowered in its law enforcement

This sounds backwards to me though. My understanding is that low-income families tend to eat more heavily processed foods - like cake - because they’re more efficient when you’re just trying to fill up and get calories. A box of Betty Crocker cake mix is $1 on Amazon, and all you need is an egg or two, a bit of oil,

It’s a little grueling. Because everything happens in real, SLOW time, you sort of need to be on your game at all times lest something slip by you.

I mean, technically. But the new content from the DS version is pretty much universally terrible. Lost Sanctum is two isolated areas that you run back and forth through literally about a dozen times, all in the service of a plot that’s basically just “oh no, monsters!” And the Vortexes are almost entirely just

My wife thinks (most) white people are just unable or unwilling to find any distinctions with black people’s faces. That they just see the similarities with our hair, our beards and our complexions, but what we actually look like just doesn’t register.

Now playing

Jon Bois put together a pretty great video a few months ago regarding the Cowboys & Eagles dynamic with respect to the 1987 strike. Also pretty representative of the whole affair is that the big moral victory was... a garbage time touchdown.

I haven’t actively watched football in years, but there are family members I visit who CONSTANTLY have football on. Literally any game. NFL game with two teams neither cares about? On it. Southeastern Pennslytucky versus Northbynorthwestern Texarkana in the Slap Chop Bowl? Hell yeah. Rand Academy For Future

For real, we’re talking about a government service to help the poor that was designed in part by Hillary Clinton. You know that Paul Ryan gets audibly erect just thinking about killing that.

Monaco is bar none the best co-op game I’ve played. As a single player game, it’s a delicate stealth puzzler that has you carefully creeping through its elaborate levels. As a co-op experience, it’s about a crew of heisters who are both relentlessly effective and staggeringly incompetent. There’s really nothing that

Magary’s shitposting is always good for a laugh, but it’s work like this that keeps me coming back to Deadspin. Thanks for another great piece, Dvora.

Clearly, the reason he couldn’t move for 14 years was that his muscles were all simply flexing too hard.

I likewise just connected my account and never got anything about how to actually log into it. Test commenting now, since I see a remark about that triggering a catch-up for it.

Maybe a dumb question, but where do the next-episode blurbs come from? The old "Cersei plots a scheme. Littlefinger takes speech therapy. Jon plumbs a cave." type stuff, I mean. I never know where to track that down, and there being actual spoilers makes that trickier than usual to Google.

I'd also once again recommend Kieron Gillen's Three, both for being a fantastic counterpoint to 300 as a piece of fiction and also for including a lengthy interview with the same Professor Stephen Hodkinson whose name is dropped in early in that thread.

In my experience, you keep hitting "load more", then at some point it changes into a "read comments made by the article's author" button that for some reason exists, at which point it un-loads everything you've been trying to decipher.

Definitely. Gone Home and its ilk are more about observation - if not straight up voyeurism - than exploration. Exploration implies an interest in the space, whereas these games are more about rooting through people's private lives and belongings.

I also have to say that it was super weird to get a scene where Cersei and Qyburn fawn over a regular looking ballista, then follow it up with what appeared to be boat-mounted flaming catapults. Also wouldn't that make their boats incredibly unstable? I mean, sure, cannons work on boats, but catapults would have a