Merlin the Tuna

This goes double since Yara & Theon specifically stole the best ships the Iron Islands had, by their admission and Euron's.

Mostly just that there's a ton of plot happening, and that scene contributed almost none. The examination of the characters' relationship and the Unsullied's complicated relationship with their relative freedom was great! But the scene also could've ended the instant that they went for the big kiss. I struggle to see

Grey Worm's tricky. On the one hand, he's literally our only point of context for Dany's actual army these days, so I don't think we lose him unless we lose Dany's Essos-ian army entirely. (Though in fairness, her army of Dothraki still gets mentioned even though they're entirely offscreen these days.) An episode ago,

100ft Robot Golf has been my recent jam on this front. Like a good sport-like, it's recognizably the game it mimics, but has just enough goofiness to totally distort the normal approach. Who knew that all it took to turn golf into Mario Kart was doing it in real time? (And blowing up the occasional building.)

I don't think that that particular twist would be dumb at all. It's just made dumb by proxy because of the staggering pointlessness of Bran's overall plotline. It's been 6 years of "wow, weird bird, let's check that out" followed by "yep, still ice zombies." And that's… about it. Give him any kind of an actual Thing

Little bit short on time to really engage with the thread, but to be quick:

FWIW, the key in my experience is to get truly non-dairy stuff, not the lactose-sucked-out stuff. Cashew & almond-milk based ice creams have the richness & creaminess of a good dairy one, whereas coconut-milk based ones are super light. That makes them really good for vanilla-based ice creams on hot days, since you

Which one of you farted at 2:40 into the video? Spoiler alert: you did not get away with it.

I approve of any and all pun-based business models.

That's more of a problem with new, nervous boarders who try to reach the bottom of a hill by slowly scraping their way down perpendicular to the slope rather than… actually snowboarding.

Welp. I've traditionally been pretty good about steadying my hand during Steam sales. Not so much this time around - I grabbed 19 new games yesterday. Admittedly, most of them are small things - the Hexcells games are not exactly Witcher 3 in length. But still… my backlog just got preeeeetty ugly.

Hansel in hazard

My DVD queue has 250 items on it. Of those, a paltry 21 are streamable. It's ridiculous.

In short… Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma are way more important than physical stats, and specializing beats spreading your scores evenly. Oh, and you want lower THAC0 and AC. Beyond that, Torment is mostly about reading; very little combat is relevant or required, so soak in the world.

I'd say that you go to Space Mecha Hitler, but I guess we already went to the moon in the last game.

But…I mean…can you fault him? Even outside of the historical context, even if this was set in modern day, let's remember what her argument actually is: all men are good and they're being corrupted to go to war with each other by a Greek God. That's an insane idea.

That's kind of my point though: Steve comes to accept Diana's value as the team's muscle, but not really beyond that. That acceptance means that he is content to give her more important, dangerous orders, but never to solicit her opinion, to consider her beliefs, and so on.

Yeah, and that's somewhere that I think it's important to find the balance between "this character is too modern" and "modern audiences give themselves too much credit." There were abolitionists before 1860, supporters of women's suffrage before 1910, and desegregationists before 1960. Even confining ourselves to the

I think they did framed as her reading about it because they couldnt have her outright saying "yeah, I've fucked lots of ladies". They pushed as much as they could.

That's fair, and agreed that the No Man's Land sequence absolutely shows her taking the driver's seat in the greater narrative rather than just at the more immediate, tactical level.