Merlin the Tuna

Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus formed the triumvirate whose #SquadGoals were to expand the Roman empire and rule the world.

There’s a reason, at least in rowing, that they have the reps and not a “losers bracket (or whatever grammatical permutation you want.” That reason is, your heats and quarterfinals are against a line-up of 3-5 additional boats (4-6 total) with the top 2 or 3 typically advancing. The participants in each heat are

Not true! I’ve heard it at least once! It sounded more threatening, like “Welcome back, motherfucker” but I still . . . hang on . . .

Put chicken stock in your mashed potatoes, and use less cream. It’s cool, you can thank me later.

Direct quote from a FB conversation I am having re: this article “I’m reading the second part now. As a decorated mashed-potato artisan, I have to take issue with his description of mashed potatoes. While they are in fact, the second whitest thing ever, there is much more to them than simply mashing potatoes (namely a

White person here, and I assure you that we did not sign off on pineapple in Mac and Cheese. We don’t want that guy either. Everyone knows that you can put meat in Mac and Cheese, but any sort of fruit needs to stay the hell away.

Mashed potatoes require no skill at all. The entire recipe is literally in the name. You just mash potatoes. That’s it.

A city I lived in did the same thing for the NPR fundraiser. If they raised a certain amount before the usual fund drive, they wouldn’t do the fund drive and interrupt programming. Worked like a charm. It’s like a gentle, folksy mob shakedown. “This is nice lineup of chat shows and straight-ahead jazz you got here. Be

In other words, he wasn’t fired BECAUSE he didn’t want to make his games Freemium, but the fact he didn’t want to meant they didn’t have much of a reason to keep him on come layoff season.

Our PTA had a “no fuss fundraiser,” and it was great. “Just write us a check. The goal is $10K, which we could hit if every family gave $25. If we make that, no other fundraisers all year.” And it worked. HELL YES.

We pulled an intentional strikeout to get around the darkness rules in little league. The rule was, if the game got called on account of darkness, then you reverted to the last complete inning to determine the winner. So, in the bottom of the 5th, we had taken a five run lead, coming back from 1 run down. If the game

Intentional strikeout question. What about this scenario? Your team is comfortably ahead, it starts to rain hard and it’s only going to get worse. You want to get to an official complete game before the game is cancelled for weather.

Listen. 2:1 ratio water and rice. You need twice as much water as you have rice. 1 cup of rice? 2 cups of water.

-Boil your water
-Toss in some salt
-Add half a cap to a capful of vinegar depending on how much rice you’re making
-Pour in your rice
-Put the lid on
-Turn your fire to low
-Walk away for 20

An oldie but goodie...

Westbrook could make this pass. Would he even attempt it, though?

What’s the big deal? Tim Tebow bounced passes to receivers for years and nobody was impressed.

Being forced to be a lifelong fan of a pro team because you happened to root for them as a kid is one of the dumbest and most tautological reasons one can conjure. I understand my situation is a little different, as I may have had more emotional connection to the Vikes if I grew up in Minnesota my whole life and

I picked the Vikings in 1998 because I had just moved to Minnesota, had gotten into the NFL (otherwise, I would've been a Cowboys fan as we lived in Dallas previously *shudder*), and wanted to fit in at school. The experience of that season goes without saying, but I stuck with them through every playoff failure,

Darn Tootin'!