Merlin the Tuna

There are mods available that build people's likes & loves into the game itself so that you don't have to refer to the wiki, if you're concerned about flipping back and forth. I've really only been checking the wiki on birthdays though, since the multiplier makes hitting a Love or a Like more valuable. Beyond that,

One of the recent-ish series had a sniper whose first name was "Lockon". Gotta appreciate just going for it like that.

Holy crap at that header image. I didn't realize just how nutty Ubisoft had gotten with their icon spew.

Hooray, Chicago! Enjoy the city, and enjoy the beer! If you're hitting breweries, Revolution is a really good one just off of the blue line (and one that I think much of the midwest is now familiar with), but there are a string of good ones off of the brown line farther north as well. Dovetail & Begyle are right

Don't worry, the aliens tend to take care of that part for you.

Where does all the gaming time go? I may just start copy-pasting WAYPTW posts from week to week.

Mmm mmm mmm, that's some high quality shitposting!

…it was a BIG rock.

Even more intriguing is the somewhat hidden story about the Initiative’s beginnings and your father’s reasons for joining up. Its implications are so incendiary that I was shocked to know the game would allow you to blindly keep going without so much as hinting at what’s going on.

Aye. There's a huge "look at the wiki" factor to it that is mostly fine on a sit-down game but not so great on a mobile one.

This weekend, yet more Stardew Valley is on the docket. I just hit my first day of Winter and wrapped up both the Pantry and Craft Room at the Community Center, which I think will put me on track to be mostly "done" by the end of the year. Paying off the rest of the Vault will let me get the last item I need for the

As an outside observer, there's been no shortage of awful, awkward infodumps in conversations that are easily shareable ("My face is tired"), but I'm not going to pretend that that's automatically representative of the game. Still, bits like [this] are… not promising.

The filter was/is ridiculously all-encompassing. One guy shared a story making a test run video of him petting his cat next to a rainbow flag - blocked.

I tried to do that and still failed, because at some point my toads started hovering slightly above the ground, which rendered me unable to walk through some mandatory tunnel areas!

Diablo 3 actually uses a nearly identical difficulty setup now. That wasn't the case on launch, but they moved to that system after a couple months.

Hoo boy, I went to the game's wiki page to try to learn more about the production process and came across this delightful gem of definitely-not-PR-no-sirree.

Apparently Bioware Montreal, which was on point, is a new studio branch for the company, so kind of? It sounds like they didn't do a great job of institutionalizing… any of their past success, based on both this as well as on comments I've seen regarding the writing. Even a lot of folks who legit liked ME3 are coming

They got rid of the wheelbarrow? Now how will I cart around all of my money?!?!

I'm interested to hear what you've done with Skill Inheritance in FE:H so far; I'm not nearly as bullish on it.

This sounds mostly accurate, yet I also liked the Awakening cast way more than the Origins cast. For comparison, that had:
- Oghren
- Dweeb
- Chronic Complainer Who Is Scripted Always To Get The Last Word
- Love Interest For People Who Unironically Say "Waifu"
- Elf Who Was A Complete Asshole
- Poor Man's HK-47
- Nun