Merlin the Tuna

On the replay front, I have to wonder/ask: does it feel like you could take a completely different approach to a new playthrough?

The "eyes see at 60 fps" thing is part myth, part a misunderstanding of how vision works. Using the time honored "first couple Google hits" research method, I'd suggest looking at PC Gamer's recent piece on it. But even as a more off-the-cuff response, VR devs are specifically aiming for north of 100 FPS because going

The one thing I really love about the game though is its passage of time, and how side quests care about whether or not you're shilly-shallying and resting too frequently, with consequences for not attending to matters in a timely fashion.

Agreed, I can't think of a game that's done branching scenarios better than Alpha Protocol. And amusingly, I've still seen a fair number of complaints that it doesn't respect your decisions. (Though I'll caveat that I've mostly seen that in cases where the player deliberately antagonized every NPC and landed in what

That I think is maybe the most exciting part - not just that everyone is talking about it, but that they're so stoked that they don't want to ruin any part of an experience for anyone else. I'm not reading the spoilers, but the sheer quantity of them is tantalizing.

So I'm still plugging along in Stardew Valley about to enter Fall of year 1. I'm been plowing through community center bundles, upgraded all of my tools to steel, and even managed to finish a gold watering can thanks to a few late-season storms. The big question mark is going to be whether I can fast-track my animal

Niiiice! I burned through about 80 orbs on the Princesses and Nino banners, scoring a 5* Sheena and 5* Eirika, plus a few useful 4*s, including Effie and Nino. Not quite the overwhelming bounty I hoped for out of blowing my savings, but it'll keep me going for sure.

I really hope that "Defeat Ganon" has a Side Quest label, just to throw you for a loop.

If I can fit in gaming time this weekend, it's more Stardew Valley for me! I'm a couple days into my first Summer now, and things are booming right along. I'm down to basically no money at the moment, but only because I've got a massive plot of mostly-fertilized crops in the works. On top of that, thanks to getting

Hm, I thought that the GBA version was notable for a handful of bugs and of poor sound quality, but it's been a little while since I've had to do a compare & contrast between the dozen ports of any particular FF. (I do remember the GBA ports of FF4 and FF5 having slightly off sound and some annoying battle lag,

Illinois commenter compares rep to China, IL character.

Aye, echos of the complaints about Deus Ex: Human Revolution here. It sounds like this is doubly vulnerable though, if your combat & adventuring checks pull from the same pool of resources. It's one thing to say that, because you focused on hacking, you aren't good at shooting guns. It's another thing entirely to say

The quests are neat and also incredibly annoying, IMO. There are a bunch that mention specific characters, which feels super skeevy since characters are gacha-limited. Like… no, I don't have all 4 characters from the Geneology/Sacred Stones banner, thanks for asking. I was only barely able to scrape together 4 axe

If it's any consolation, I've got three 5*s but two of them are bad! Lucina's solid (though I've just deduced that she has the absolutely abysmal +HP, -SPD nature), Roy is a pile of whatever, and Hinoka is also just not good at all? She's been dying all the dang time in my leveling sessions, to say nothing of the

I'll half-agree with you on Planescape: Torment's combat. I've generally found real-time-with-pause to be tedious and awful. I didn't care for it in Icewind Dale, I didn't care for it in Dragon Age, and it's what's been keeping me from diving into Baldur's Gate for a long while. In contrast, Planescape's combat is

I still can't believe The Shadow was as big a bomb as it was. I'm a reasonably big fan of the MCU and a bunch of the Batman films, but for my money that's still the best superhero film to date.

Isn't cutting his hair like… the first thing he does in Annihilation? Like, that somehow signals that he's no longer a god and can compete in Mortal Kombat?

Aren't Krogans the space frogs?

So elsewhere in the split-screen space, I remember enjoying Conversations With Other Women, which I will readily admit is more gimmicky even than Summer. The main one is the majority of the movie playing out in a split-screen two shot of Aaron Eckhart and Helena Bonham Carter having a Very Emotional Conversation. But

With the stance system, each weapon has enough versatility to do whatever you want it to do, which is probably the point. I did practically the entire first playthrough with the sword, and never felt like I was getting a raw deal. On the flip side, I never really felt encouraged to move to a different weapon, only