Merlin the Tuna

Yesssss. Achievements are the most concise ways for developers to say "Here is what's cool about our game." There's (some) value in ye olde "beat level [x]" cheevo, but when that and grindables are the only things on there, it only makes me all the more cynical that I'm looking at a bog standard game churned out

It's not just you. I played on Death Incarnate (one step below top difficulty) and plowed through most of the game without too much trouble, but there's a conspicuous difficulty spike in the last level or two. In particular, the enemies become a lot more bullet sponge-y, which I find is the most annoying part of it.

Knowing which stats to go for likely helps as well. I remember reading up on FF6 mechanics a while back and being surprised to learn that, for example, Sabin benefits more from MAG than ATK espers because of how many of his Blitz formulas shake out.

I wouldn't hold out hope that it'll stay "fixed" though - they've vacillated back and forth on how reinforcements work from entry to entry over the years. FE5 (Thracia 776) was, I think, the first to let reinforcements act immediately, and that's one of the (many) reasons why it's regarded among the worst entries in

The game has a weird fourth-wall-breaking story to it; are they all cheeky like this? I thought the FE games were dramatic and serious.

100ft Robot Golf is on PSVR! I haven't played it myself, but I'm hopelessly charmed by its existence.

I thought FE: Heroes was exclusively being handled by DeNA, with basically no involvement from Nintendo beyond licensing? It certainly sounds that way, based off of my experience with Final Fantasy Record Keeper, one of the company's other cash cows - a reasonably polished F2P game that implements scummy F2P mechanics

Miz had the distinct honor of being hit by literally everyone's signature moves as they entered, at least! He was a delightful punching bag throughout the event.

Well, (successful) playthrough number two of XCOM 2 has come to a close, the way any good campaign should: a pair of point-blank shotgun crits to the face. GG, space fascists. Better luck next time.

Sorry about bailing on you for Wednesday Payday! The stars aligned such that a board game night came together, which is an unfortunately rare thing for me these days! I'll try to join in a bit over the weekend; looks like there's no shortage of new heists and difficulties since I last played… two years ago.

That's a lot of poop @_@

Heck yeah, meatspace meetups!

I consider myself a reasonably big fan of the series, and I honestly didn't even realize CV3 was released outside of Japan. I suspect that a lot of that is, like you said, because CV4 added so much more obvious flash to the CV1/3 gameplay style. Not just in terms of the additional graphical detail, but also in the

Siege and Fear Itself are made retroactively somewhat compelling by Journey Into Mystery's retcons, I guess? The most recent Secret Wars was spotty and awkwardly paced, but it hit most of its beats. That's just about all I've got.

And here I had always given that honor to the old fossil Strom Thurmond. Huh. Learn something new every day.

Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - "People Don't Get What They Deserve"

I encountered 1 alien ruler on another playthrough because I foolishly believed that turning off the DLC would turn off the DLC. They seem like an interesting tweak on the standard formula, though I can't really say whether or not they're a good one with so little experience. I certainly did not have a great time

Congrats! They definitely ramped up the final battle for this one, which helps tremendously in making the ending feel like a triumphant accomplishment. After so many battles of cleaning out individual pods, that realization that at some point you just can't keep up with the flow of aliens makes your last turn one of

It's been a long time since I played ME2, but I'm pretty sure every single one of my fights was some variation of Warp > melee attack > shotgun blast for a kill, then repeat. The melee attack tends to be important in taking the kill threshold from 2 shots to 1, which lets you speed up your maniacal rampage quite a bit.

I mostly agree with not mixing and matching, but I think it's kind of required with the Ranger since one side of the tree is ridiculously sneak-heavy and the other has a bunch of blade perks that are very easy to not use at all. But the Sharpshooter I go basically all pistols with, the Specialist I go all hacking