Merlin the Tuna

I like to imagine that there were a bunch of honest-to-god useful plasmids that got invented but completely flopped within the Rapture market because people were just too damn fascinated with the idea of shooting fire, ice, lightning, and bees at each other.

I'd argue that you're making the same mistake that a lot of creatives do in making stories like this - engaging with the target of the allegory rather than the story itself - and that the film succeeds specifically because it dodges that pitfall.

Dowd has turned the dreaded C+ back on the commentariat! Check and mate.

Having a 3 foot tall bee monster that constantly wants to hang out is a curious idea of a "benefit."

Best positive surprise for me was Roundabout, which wasn't new but was new to me. I heard about the developer by way of the 100 ft Robot Golf announcement, and that plus a few scattered endorsements (shouts to CrabNaga) was enough to convince me to give it a go despite not really knowing what to expect. The novelty of

"Without any fanfare."

It’s been a busy week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link] 7 articles in 5 days: not too shabby! And some catch up from last week as well.

Yeah, medics are a waste. I wouldn't carry two Specialists, especially since one of the objective hack rewards is +20 Hack forever - better to stack that on 1 unit - but a combat one provides guaranteed damage and incredible mech-screwing. And good XCOM play means rarely getting shot at at all, much less getting hit.

Yeah, the Shaken bit is pretty cool, and I love that they specifically need to get a kill. Adds a nice little push and pull between wanting them to hang back so that they don't get wounded again, but wanting them to sprint up close and personal for a guaranteed killshot.

XCOM, now accepting applications!

Onwards and upwards in XCOM2!

When I played Arkham City, I 100%ed the main game against all better judgment, then loaded up a challenge room to see about having a go at those… and Games For Windows Live or whatever peripheral system the PC version was using promptly deleted my save. I had a 100% file for all of like 20 minutes. *headdesk*

The fact that the T-1000 looms over everything despite Patrick not appearing on screen for something like 45 minutes to an hour in the middle of the film really is a testament to his effectiveness, the writing's, and the effects'.

“It’s finally over,” Noctis whimpers, after the last blow is struck, to which you might reasonably ask: “What do you mean ‘finally?’”

And so, the company whose leadership now holds a valuable executive position in the federal government finished its tale, with the white heiress making good on her claims of being "genetically superior" by crushing the urban black insurgent underfoot, once and for all.

The most important part of a secret role game, in my experience, is how it introduces knowledge into gameplay. Simple ones like Mafia/Werewolf and Resistance tend to be light on this, leading players to act arbitrarily at times. It's most noticeable in the first round: "I vote we execute this person, because we need

Doesn't 7 go on the second list as well? I though Jenova took over lead villain duties for Seph, or Seph was just a blob of Jenova that believed it was Seph, or something.

So on our last exciting episode, various commenters wrung their hands about the whole premise of this being a game for old fans of the series and newbies alike. Speaking as the former, this report sounds like a gigantic quilt made entirely of various shades of red flags.

I'm on board! The Joker being a mariachi enthusiast seems like it would've been the single best idea brought to Suicide Squad, and you could even wedge in a bizarre parallel to the Waynes seeing Zorro at the theater if you absolutely insist on watching them get shot to death in an alley again for some reason.

The technology here is minimal, something that could be managed today without too much trouble