Merlin the Tuna

My elaborate spreadsheet confirms that this is correct! Validation for everyone!

Ah, but the one with the pirate ship also had a dragon! So really Faris comes out ahead, I think.

Hmmmm Rydia is obviously important to FF4, but not in terms of the main "quest". She's an incidental victim, not a Chosen One With Special Powers like Terra, Rinoa, Garnet, or Yuna. Same sort of thing with Krile in FF5, except she's only around for the back quarter of the game.

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard shakes off its food coma! [Link]

[EVs are] the kind of micromanaging bullshit that will drain the joy out of this game so fast.

To add to this: the second part of the fight triggers when Wiegraf is at 25% health, not when he's totally dead. So you can go for the proverbial killshot a little early.

My typical suggestion boils down to two questions: 2D or 3D, and swashbuckly or angsty?

Final Fantasy Tactics: Fuck Wiegraf.

I'd definitely co-sign sitting on Gat Out of Hell. It basically boils down to 2 amusing cutscenes and a bunch of open-world busywork. The gameplay is maybe a smidge better than SR4's, but it's kinda devoid of character.

It's funny you say that, because I can see DD actually being perfect for playing on the PSP. Not in the UI sense, but in being well suited for playing on the go, like you point out. I found it grindy and repetitive by the end (or even by the middle :P ) but a lot of that would be alleviated by playing a mission on the

By god, I feel like exactly one thing right now:

The Steam version of Final Fantasy IX is a pretty good touch-up. Some minor texture cleanup on character models, high-res cutscenes, built in cheat commands to strip out grind or turn off random encounters, and no other big changes or clunky add-on content. The only bummer is that backgrounds are still in the original

That's pretty much my entire beef with the Action RPG genre. Number heavy RPG mechanics exist specifically to abstract away the details of execution. Action games exist specifically to revel in the nuance of execution. Those aren't complementary ideas, they're diametrically opposed ones. As much as I enjoy each of

Going to echo cappadocius here - if you're relying on randos at the local gaming store to fill up the group, hop on whatever bandwagon they're on. Odds are that that's either D&D 5E or Pathfinder.

I believe it. I remember originally seeing them in the MM2 or MM3 back in 3.5; they're one of those second-tier goblinoids that lends themselves well to expansion monster manuals. 13th Age's addition of the "bad word" (seriously, check out the link to the preview) is a much more dynamic bit of lore than the usual

I've been kind of meaning to pick that up despite not actually having the main 13A book. The preview for Redcaps is pretty hilarious in its own right, and it's the rare example of truly crunchy material that still ports well to unrelated systems. (I got a fair bit of mileage using them in a Dungeon World game and

I say the Dems should be green, simply to spite the Green Party!

Ah, Heavy Rain, that glorious trainwreck.

All my talk of Kero Blaster has me digging back into the Cave Story OST, which really just hits a huge range of great tunes. Personal highlights are Mischievous Robot, one of my favorite "let's go on a fantastic adventure" chiptunes, and Last Battle.