Merlin the Tuna

That's awesome! The Castlevania one in particular reminds of when the Tool-Assisted Speedrun community started getting abstract and using a single set of inputs to beat 4 Mega Man games simultaneously.

It’s Edge of Tomorrow week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link] Look on in horror as Lara Croft is forced to live, die, and repeat.

Magical octopus ink is a brilliant idea, and one that I look forward to straight up stealing. Congrats on getting the campaign rolling! It always feels great to take weeks of idly noodling around in your brain and finally turn it into an actual game.

Final Fantasy is dead! Long live Final Fantasy!

Who are these monsters that don't like Popplio? The owl bow tie is adorable, but option number three is "a cat, that's it" and we're mad about a cute little clown dog seal thing? Come on now.

Question: how does thief-o-vision work in this one? I loved the first Dishonored to death, but there was a pretty strong incentive to play it entirely in sepia tone so that you could best find valuables & key items. Did they rework that system for the sequel?

I'm sure some folks have seen this making the rounds, but Tom Francis (Gunpoint designer) found some interesting applications for Emily's Doppelganger power. Hooray for emergent gameplay!

Every Skype sound effect sounds like a normal application trying desperately not to vomit.

RE: The new format. I'm definitely excited to see a more ongoing conversation at Gameological, rather than a giant rush right when a review comes out and then a random sprinkling buried in WAYPTW threads over the following week or three.

Wait, Delilah's back? That's… kind of a bummer, since it would have to undo some of the events of The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigamore Witches.

Original NES version with the D&Dish spell slot system. I had no idea that they overhauled the magic system as part of the modernizations. That's actually kinda strange, as remakes go. It seems like most either go with a strict graphical remaster or burn the whole thing to the ground and start fresh, reboot-style. Not

I think it mostly works aside from the non-lethal ways of dealing with assassination targets, at least. Killing guards & overseers limits the organizations' ability to maintain order within the city, which leads to the spread of disease - it's not the corpses themselves. To counterbalance that, the game makes it a

Yeah, I went with Fighter/Thief/Red Mage/Black Mage figuring that the RM could make up for the WM's healing while still putting out appreciable damage. Which… yes, but while the Red Wizard can learn Life, the Red Mage cannot. Given how long it takes to get to the class upgrades, that proved to be a pretty unpleasant

Much as I love pushing my personal interests onto everyone here, I hope that my off-brand Great Job Internet-ing never makes you feel like you need to be gun-shy sharing stuff like this. :P

It’s crippling depression week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link]

It’s crippling depression week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link]

Continuing the spirit of the NES Classic, I'm still working my way through Final Fantasy. I've defeated the Lich, traversed the castle of ordeals, braved the Ice Cavern, and now gotten my beautiful, beautiful class change. Time now to blitz down the volcano and whatever is involved in the wind and water orbs before

The Final Fantasy manual is kind of hilarious in that it's basically a full-blown walkthrough. It's got maps of every town and every dungeon, advice for exactly which items to buy, and everything. If you've ever wondered how we got through games before GameFAQs and emulator save states, apparently this is it.

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard returns! [Link]

Oh yes, absolutely. I've been looking that up, as well as equipment stats and who can use them. Loooot of interface issues afoot.