Merlin the Tuna

In fairness, it can get a little weird if the first time you see it, it's owned by an expanding empire of marauding… Canadians.

So we wrapped up Pandemic Legacy earlier this week, ending with 12 wins to 4 losses and a legacy score of 792, not quite enough for top honors but a decisive victory nonetheless. Overall, it’s a ton of fun that I’d highly recommend, both on its own merits and in how it tinkers with the normal Pandemic structure. I

That's… not how degrees work.

I'unno, Nintendo has done a pretty exceptional job with durability over the years. They've never had any RROD-y issues with their consoles, seemingly everyone has a story of accidentally running over their handhelds and seeing them still work… The closest thing to a large-scale part problem was the N64 joystick

Yeah, the question is just in how it ends up getting used, especially in a time where the most profitable console games tend also to be the most rote, unadventurous ones. Your annual AssCreeds, Call of Dutys, Bethesda Skeleton Arranger Bros, Open World Shoot Gang, and the like. Those formulas metastasized ages ago,

Really excited to see Nintendo continuing its trend of bizarro controllers. There are some whiffs in there (often more in execution than in theory, like with the N64 and Wii) but they've done a great job of pushing new ideas into the industry over the years. And it might make for the sole actual reason to change

It's not just comics, it's mid-90s X-Men comics. Total. Insanity.

It does look a little bit janky based on the videos I've seen, but it started to sit better with me when I accepted that it was a golf game that happened to be kinda party-goofy, rather than a party-goofy game that happened to have some golf in it.

Which is in turn better than the New England Lobstery Crotchmen.

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard returns! [Link]

I've been meaning to get back to the review thread, but yeah, Mister Sacks is a perfect storm of everything right with the game, and also everything wrong with it. The writing is incredibly flavorful and the structure is super tense, but if anything goes sideways the punishment is just the tedium of starting over.

I tend to sort my media by how aggressively I'd push them to friends and acquaintances, which ends up looking like a pretty standard 5-point scale.

I was honestly expecting a "Hail Hydra" out of him.


In both of these cases though, the gamemaker's "sin" appears to be just an expectation of basic buy-in to the premise, which I don't think is unreasonable. To swipe a line that one of the Gears of War 4 QAs used in last week's big article, "If you play the game like an asshole there’s not much we can do." If you hop

Ack! I try to use "they" when I'm not 100% sure, but I clearly haven't kicked the old habit. Sorry about that!

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard rides again! [Link]

We had some VERY close calls with faded expansion this game, but have mostly kept them contained to black/Coda. We've got two red tiles that are faded - one with a research center, one with a military base - but that's it. A lot of that boils down to the Quarantine Specialist having the

So… how did April go? That's a fun one.

Awesome! I just hope you haven't inadvertently spoiled much for yourself, because it is absolutely hilarious in how well it blindsides you at times. A lot of the fun comes from seeing how the Legacy version totally uproots the default Pandemic experience, so a quick refresher will improve both your win rate and the