Merlin the Tuna

I'm chipping away at Sunless Sea bit by bit as part of the Gameological Steam Review Club That You Are All Cordially Invited To Participate In. For now, I'll echo Chum Joely's comment, that I've about reached the point where having to start over would be pretty annoying. Fun game as long as you aren't dying like a

YESSSSS glad to have you back!

Does screaming GOAT IN!!!!! help? It seems like it would help.

The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009) and also most Tony Scott movies

His ability to hire an accountant to handle the entirety of his taxes clearly demonstrates mastery of the tax code. Moving forward, his plan to slash taxes for high-earners will fix this system, allowing him to hire a cheaper, less-experienced accountant to achieve the same outcome.

Once again, the world suffers for not having the Dracula Teaches Typing game it so richly deserves.

By that reasoning, perhaps the game could extend into an infinite series
of untimed downs, with players pausing only to eat and sleep and
eventually to reproduce, so that their progeny could replace them on the

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard returns! [Link]

Sort of. It's a quirk of their alphabet(s) being different from ours. In English, make a "b" sound out loud, and it comes out as "buh". Make a "sh" sound, like you're hushing someone, and it would basically be spelled "shuh".

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard returns![Link]

Almost done with my replay of Final Fantasy V, which remains super charming - I'm into the Interdimensional Rift, staring Omega in the face after a few failed attempts. Couple small observations: One, I appreciate the kitchen sink approach to the world & systems. Blue Magic has always been a sprawling, FAQ-laden way

Agreed that Flint is a stand up guy, but his single-minded fixation on his missing son causes him to totally lose sight of the one that's still there. They do end up meeting up, but I recall that mostly being due to happenstance rather than to good parenting.

Yeah, I think the best descriptor for them is probably Roald Dahl-like, in that respect.

The Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard returns! [Link]

Hahaha it sounds like I'm vastly underestimating things. My core assumptions right now are that following April's insanity, the game will be more about the world's response/collapse to a zombie outbreak than about changing the mechanics of the zombies themselves. And also that all of our hard work eradicating diseases

Even only being secondhand-familiar with the game, I've heard that complaint with the ending a lot. Doctors who start their research with destructive testing of a one-of-a-kind test subject are nakedly terrible at their jobs. I can see how that would make the final choice less about saving Ellie vs. saving the world

Agreed that Internationale is borderline required. Beyond that, I generally went with the one that always has a basic keycard. Banks, I think her name was? She basically ensures that you never get RNG-screwed by the level layouts, which is nice. Didn't much care for the agents who get bonuses to combat or augments,

Congrats! I want so badly to look at those spoilers, but we're diving into June tonight so I can't go ruining the surprises. I'm sure it's nothing but smooth sailing from here on out, right? RIGHT?!

From the page of his doctor, Doctor Willard Bliss (Doctor is in fact his given first name):

Oh my, that's quite an oversight. Correction incoming!