Merlin the Tuna

It’s the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link] It's true, I'm not a quitter, just a flake!

Totally agreed - I think it's absolutely the right call to shut down forums or comments that companies don't have the interest or staff to effectively moderate. But I do worry about the longevity of our comments though. The general decline of media is most noticeable here by the falling ratio of "real content" to

The only thing that irks me about the job system in 5 is how stats and abilities get passed down to the Freelancer & Mime classes. It basically means that, at some point in the late game, you should voluntarily stop advancing your characters. Which… right, there's not a whole lot of point in trying to grind out every

Yeah, 3 definitely feels like it's on the low side. We'd like to get one in Sao Paolo next game to have better access to yellow, but we've just been strapped for options due to all the eradications/positive mutations eating up our options. #FirstWorldProblems #ComeAtMeWhovian. The big misstep was that March game we

The Bomber's Notebook is in the N64 game though! Did they change it somehow? I know that it told you when particular characters' "event windows" were open, though it didn't say what you needed or where to find them. Did the 3DS remake add more detail to that?

Exactly. The "problem" with the temple isn't the layout or puzzles, it's the hassle of fussing with the inventory menu every couple minutes.

I found myself hankering for a big ole RPG after dabbling in a bunch of assorted indies, so I’m giving Final Fantasy 5 (GBA) another playthrough. It’s kind of a shame that it’s so low-profile within the series, because it is just charming as heck. Every single character is just so relentlessly plucky! It’s beautiful.

One of us! One of us!

Allegories work best when they engage with their conflicts on their own terms rather than explicitly referencing their real-world counterparts. Consider something like Zootopia, which is entirely about prejudice and institutionalized racism, but keeps that focus within the context of its own setting and does so

The thing that gets me about augs-as-race is that The Incident almost completely undermines the inevitable "Racism is Bad" moral. Real world racism hinges on confirmation bias, tribalism, and any number of elements leading to a conclusion that outgroup X is dangerous or outright evil. The Incident takes those fears,

Plaaaaaaaaay Dread! It's so much fun, and there's nothing to munchkin.

Aye. I just wish that Chaos in the Old World were a little more high-profile. They thankfully didn't drown it in tokens or expansions like some of their others, and it really nails the bickering dynamic of being a bunch of douchebag evil gods. The rules are less clear than I'd like - it can be tricky to remember

I was actually surprised with how often I felt that walking around the show floor at the con this year. I'm not immediately turned off by a complicated (or just complicated-looking) game, but seeing a thousand of them packed into a single room made for some sensory overload. I ended up mostly trying either simple

Am I correct in thinking that Operation Avalanche is in the same ballpark as something like Four Lions? The "conspiracy theorists will like this" bit makes it sound like it's a fair bit less tongue in cheek than the rest of the blurb.

This is the correct answer, which is why it's going to be sad when he inevitably gets sidelined in favor of the other 6 guys.

How many times per adventure do the PCs encounter the following letter?

Don't be ridiculous! Non-readers will be too busy confusing him with Deadpool.

It looks like pop culture references throw it for a bit of a loop. Facebook correctly notes that I like the bands Cake and Spoon, but just to be sure also lists actual cakes and spoons.

Part of me would really like to see a pop culture media company buy naming rights and constantly cycle the actual name of the field based off of whatever they're pushing on a given day. Like, instead of just calling it HBO Field for the next decade, calling it Winterfell Park during the months building up to a new

I find it most fascinating because by all accounts, it appears to be exactly the game I expected it to be. All of the marketing materials I saw basically just amounted to "Impossibly large, procedurally generated universe!" There's a reason why "But what do you do?" was such a big question mark even when the game was