Merlin the Tuna

Luigi's Mansion (GCN) is the first time I can remember it really being front and center. The only other early reference to anything like that is in Super Mario RPG, where you can find a wish on Star Hill that goes something like "I wanna be a great plumber like my brother Mario someday." That's a lot more optimistic

Oh man, the only thing better than the joke comments are the non-joke comments.

Based on the quality of the art, "Sanicman" is probably more accurate.

Thanks! (I forgot the kotatsu though…)

It’s catch-up week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link] Finally back from a weekend at Gen Con and a weekend on vacation, so there’s some backlog cleaning to do.

I believe it, but on the other hand, a last-minute Remote Treatment allowed us to eradicate yellow last game, which is potentially big. The second mutation (curing doesn't cost an action) isn't huge, but the third (one fewer card to cure) is, so that's a nice stepping stone. Pretty sure One Quiet Night played a major

So an "evil" opponent showed you mercy, and you responded by enacting bloody vengeance on him. Hm. Hm. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

So what I'm hearing is "deliberately sabotage everyone's efforts during March." I was wondering whether the Bioterrorist expansion from the base game would make an appearance… it turns out the bioterrorist was inside of me all along.

It's less vestigial than his free-floating cufflinks!

Part of me wants to attend a gaming convention in Roundabout cosplay just for the sheer inconvenience of it. I'm imagining Giorgio's chauffeur outfit, plus a gigantic, motorized limo strapped around your torso, constantly knocking over booths and smacking people. All while nobody has any idea what in the hell you are.

Hooray, puzzle dungeons!

Just ignore 1, straight up, then go through them in order. 1 is quintessential Nintendo-hard, to the point that one of the bosses can basically only be beaten by using a glitch. They actually recreated that NES glitch in the re-releases specifically because it's so mandatory.

This weekend, I continue my journey through the absurdist masterpiece Roundabout, which can roughly be summarized as "Crazy Taxi in a limousine that is constantly rotating." Also a plus? Surreal FMV cutscenes and a weirdly catchy disco/funk/70's game show soundtrack. [Link]

I'd also mention that the idea of building super-advanced robots just for the sake of making them play soccer is totally in keeping with the ridiculous world portrayed in the Mega Man games. The only snag is that they should have gigantic cleats, shin guards, and whatnot attached to their heads instead of hedge

7 also had a vs. mode if you entered a code at the main screen. I think the only characters were Mega Man and Bass, but it was a neat little inclusion.

There's one particular moment after things have hit the fan pretty hard, when Rambo steals a truck and plows through a checkpoint, that the rah-rah stuff kicks in. I'm probably extrapolating that feeling over way too much of the movie just because it was a moment that really memorably pulled me out of the film.

The soundtrack on First Blood was the one element that did not work for me *at all*. Even as Rambo tears apart national guardsmen, it's full of peppy, "Hooray for our hero" fanfare like the A-Team just saved the day. Totally out of sync with the tone of the film.

I'm a pretty huge fan of their music, but really Mike?

Hooray, Gen Con!

That's good to hear. Are you on console or PC? I've heard some rumblings of the PC port being buggy, but barring Arkham Knight scenarios it's always hard to get a sense of how widespread those issues are.