Merlin the Tuna

Yep. Conceptually, even the best Sonic games were arguably tie-ins to a marketing push as much as they were creative endeavors in their own right.

I plug Super Bunnyhop a lot, but for real, his retrospective on the first level of each main Sonic game is a required companion piece to this. [LINK] The first stage is both a sales pitch and a mission statement for a game, and it's interesting to see nearly every Sonic game fumble it in one way or another, to the

It's funny, I thought the direction elevated an otherwise ho-hum fantasy battle up north, but the most memorable bit for me after the buried alive sequence is Ramsay putting down Wun Wun.

Sinestro Corps War was really good, but it also didn't have full line-wide event booking.

io9 had a bit on the set visit as well, notably:

"Perfunctory" was my word-of-the-episode as well; hi-five, Myles!

I'm finally getting into Never Alone, which everyone should be playing as part of the Gameological Steam Review Club (that I definitely didn't join in a week or two late on, what are you talking about?). It's adorable! It's educational! It's… a totally adequate platformer. I think it's interesting that one of the

So Thumper is more or less Audiosurf, yeah? Little hard to tell what's going on in the video, but the concept seems pretty similar.

Yeah definitely. The "normal" way would be to have the timeskip, have a master assassin knocking off major players in Westeros, then eventually reveal that it's Arya and have one of the other main characters help deprogram her. It'd step on Theon's toes a bit, but it certainly would make for more satisfying

Time for yet another edition of the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link]

I mean, it's possible, but it'd be a kind of shitty storytelling move to have our main POV character (Arya) plan and enact an elaborate ruse like that entirely offscreen without comment.

And now, for another round of Long-Winded Fish Not As Smart As He Thinks! Results from last week: missed on Lyanna Stark, missed on one of Karstark/Umber, missed on Walder Frey & his henchfreys, missed on Loras Tyrell and Septa Unella. Hit on no deaths in Braavos or with the Greyjoys. (link) My only defense is that I

"Surprise, they're all pachinko machines." - Real Konami

Give me the Captain Falcon bounty hunting game that I've always dreamed of! All I ask for are space criminals and a chance to electro-knee them in the face.

As recently as last November, Itoi mentioned not planning another Earthbound and having become someone disillusioned with gaming in general. You're right that the Undertale phenomenon may have changed that though, and if they announce the Undertale 3DS and/or WiiU port, maybe the time is right?

Oh wow, I completely forgot that MNC existed, which is probably not a good sign considering that they also released Super Monday Night Combat almost immediately after. That's a game I remember giving a brief shot while experimenting with the MOBA explosion, and it felt totally impenetrable even by MOBA standards.

I'm glad everyone is having a great time with this, but I'm still kind of astonished at how big the hype train got pre-release. After Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 were received more or less as pale imitations of their predecessors, I guess I figured that the "It's a Blizzard game, of course it'll be great!" factor would

"Leah is too exhausted after using her unfathomable power to destroy two locked gates! You'll have to fight the prince of hell on your own!"

Getting warmer!

I do love that the numbering is so wildly inconsistent between the various flavors of Christianity that Wikipedia actually has an elaborate chart for it.