Merlin the Tuna

Also, just on a technical level, I think if you're going to include an option like the Scan Visor - and you really should, as it helps make the first-person aiming about more than just shooting and furthers a sense of exploration, both things deeply important to what Metroid Prime was - you also need to be able to use

I was going to say, Growlithe/Arcanine and Houndour/Houndoom are both canine pokemon that omit Normal. I don't think that that's much of a sticking point.

Tomorrow Never Dies also notably gave us this, a gif that keeps on giving.

You're almost certainly right, but I've whiffed Lyanna so many times now that I'll kick myself if i take her off the list just in time for her to finally make it on screen.

Ehhhh yes and no. There are definitely segments that drift way too far into the weeds; if I never hear about thermal clips ever again, it'll be too soon. But the bulk of it - and the most interesting parts - are less "the speed this ship is reported as moving doesn't match the official engine specs from the manual"

Time for another update of the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link]

I really feel like this game suffered a lot from EA insisting that it has to be an action shooter, and it has to be a driving game, though I hear that the driving disappears and the action gets more fun in the sequels

That's fair.

Well, my calls for last week basically suuuuucked. I'm blaming some of that on it being such a wildly unfocused episode in general, but wrong is wrong, and hoo boy I was wrong. [LINK] Hit on no deaths at Oldtown, the Khalasar, and Braavos. Whiffed on (deep breath) Kevan, Septa Unella, Olenna Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, and

At the very least, he went so far as to tell the waif not to let Arya suffer. It was a nice little soft spot within the boundaries of his crazy murder cult.

It’s Remake Week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link] One reboot, one adaptation, and one store-brand version of a much-hyped release, coming right up!

Killing Jon Arryn and Ned Stark worked out pretty well for her.

I could be mistaken, but I thought we saw the crown form on his head. And I also think of the first walker (which the "we created them" talk afterward implies it was) being the one in charge, though that's certainly not a lock.

We saw the Night's King's original human form in last week's flashback, and it certainly wasn't Benjen. He could be another one of the walkers, but that feels unlikely given that we've seen the same four (now three, thanks to Meera's spear throw) a couple times now I think. I get the impression it's just a handful of

Yeah, I don't think there are any Baratheons left. Tommen's the only one of Robert's legitimate kids, and most of his bastards are dead, if they even know they're his bastards. Stannis's only child was Shireen - dead. Renly had no heirs, and he's dead. Their father Steffon also appears to have been an only child, per

Where's the Lannister connection in the family tree? Through Cersei's marriage to Robert? That'd be tenuous, and it seems more likely that Cersei or Margaery would end up in charge somehow. (Especially since I don't see Kevan living long enough to take a throne anyhow.)

Last week was a bit shaky for my predictions. Under the great Weirwood, I missed on Lyanna Stark (which still boggles my mind), hit on the Three Eyed Raven, and failed to predict Hodor and Summer. Correctly guessed no deaths at the Wall + Moletown, Iron Islands (though I did have a longshot on Professor Kingsmoot),

This weekend will mostly be tied up with Host the In-Laws (released in the West as Grill 'n' Beer), but I've finally gotten myself back into Dishonored: The Brigamore Witches and may be able to finish it up before they arrive.

The thing about D&D mimics is that savvy players have way more methods to detect them. Not even just True Seeing-y stuff, but also by gently prodding at them with 10 foot poles, tempting them with disposable summoned monsters, and so on. There's no reason to just wail on every chest with a greatsword, since their