Merlin the Tuna

Yeah… it can get a bit excessive.

Apologies for dialing up the snark a bit. I'll try to get a little more polite here and see if I can clarify the many, many reasons I find the scene narratively unsatisfying.

Fine, paradox isn't the most accurate term, it's just goofy time-travel shenanigan circular logic.

Just because this moment was his destiny, perhaps even his ultimate purpose, that doesn't mean it wasn't his choice to do it in that moment.

Yeah, that was a huge issue for me as well. Not even just Bran being unfazed (though that plays a role), but in doing another flashback to Winterfell at all. From one of my comments on the episode threads:

Black Mask is behind me with a gun pointed at my back.

Both Battleborn and Overwatch have garnered a lot of comparisons to TF2, but I'm wary of putting them in the same category. Expanding the cast (TF2 has 9, Overwatch has 21, Battleborn has 25) has huge effects both on the gameplay itself and on how players interact with it.

I should've known better when you referred to an "iconic moment", but the reference to Melee made me SURE that the link was to WOMBO COMBO

Battleborn actually dropped in price from $60 to $40 on Overwatch's release date. I get the idea, but that only makes it feel more like a desperate knockoff. I can't imagine it's making the early adopters feel very appreciated, either.

It's not even just the matches themselves, necessarily! When I was playing LOL regularly, I remember being astonished at how much time is wasted out of game. You've got 2-3 minutes for matchmaking, maybe 4-8 minutes in the lobby for picks/bans/pre-game setup, another 1-3 to load into the game, then another 2 minutes

He… is now revealed to be a pitiable wretch unable to withstand the treatment that both Margaery and Cersei received.

I will eat my hat if we see Jorah again. That man is joining Gendry, rowing off into the sunset and into our hearts.

Really, even as interesting as some of the flashbacks were, it's kind of striking that nothing was actually accomplished by Bran's seasons-long trek to the tree.

And your options in the quest are to either do exactly as you've been asked, or to rub your balls on the sacred ashes.

Buy… more… Ovaltine?

It’s Doom Review Where? week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link]

Pretty happy with my predictions from last week. [For reference.] Hit on no deaths at the Wall, Iron Islands, and Mereen. Hit on my Winterfell hedge (exactly one of Osha and Rickon dying). Missed on Vaes Dorthrak (expected Moro to make it longer), and on King’s Landing (expected Kevan and possibly Loras). Show didn’t

I unabashedly love The Bouncer. It probably helps that I haven't played it since I was about 14, but it scratched a lot of itches for me aside from looking pretty at the time. It had a nice variety of attacks for you to acquire, distinct movesets per character, some branching story elements and - most importantly - it

Regarding the High Sparrow's eyes: I think that's just a storytelling tick on the character's part. Not in the sense that he's lying, but in where his mental attention is. While he's reliving a vivid memory, he rocks the thousand yard stare. He refocuses on Margaery only when he's pulled himself out of the past and

I would actually be a little surprised if Sava weren't fairly familiar with it. Seems like the sort of thing that would be relatively in his strike zone.