Merlin the Tuna

I eventually read through everything up until the gigapause, but haven't and may never read the ending. While there's a lot about the story that I think is good and downright admirable, I don't think it's anywhere near as good as Problem Sleuth was. As silly and meandering as PS was, it had a clarity of purpose (to

The top of the 'C' having two divots in it is really not working for me. If they went with just the one on the top or just the one on the inside, maybe that'd work. But as is, it feels like a New-52 launch costume: a decent idea with too many lines on it.

I mean, given that their entire plan was basically "Wait for Margaery, then GRAB HER," I struggle to see how it would not blow up somehow.

That is legit one of my least favorite moments in the series and basically exhibit B for why I am so dang tired of Dany. (Exhibit A being: seriously can we get back to characters who have even the slightest interaction or consideration for each other.)

I took a look at another forum that I sometimes keep tabs on to try to get a read on how widespread this madness was, and I saw this gem of a post:

My vote goes to The Narrator from Darkest Dungeon. That booming baritone delivering mocking half-praise does a tremendous job of maintaining the tone of the game. It's a delicate line, to play up the theatrics without veering into Warhammer 40K-esque parody (which has its own charms), but he manages it well.

It’s No Reviews week on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard! [Link] That’s kinda weird, right?

We really used the whole review scale: 10/10, 9.9/10, and 9/10.

My suspicions, by plotline. "Nobody" means "nobody important;" I expect we're going to get the usual assortment of nameless soldiers, peasants, and terrorists getting offed.

Welp, finally wrapped up Final Fantasy IX. Updated verdict: pretty good, but it starts a whooole lot stronger than it finishes. There are definitely elements of the home stretch that work much better than I recalled them: I previously somehow missed that Zidane was strapped into a brainwash machine just prior to the

VVVVVV is good, minimalist platformer. I don't think it blew my mind at any point, but it was consistently fun and exactly the right length.

I did always think it was funny that one of the key techniques used in the Excalibur II speedrun was physically opening the Playstation during FMV cutscenes in order to skip them. Somehow, physically tampering with the device like that feels way more legitimate as a speedrunning technique to me than bug-driven level

Pretty sure the head tilt was just surprise at the sound of Arya rising to her feet. The recitation of the list may be intended to have some thematic resonance to the scene, but it's not actually happening during the scene being shown.

Well, I think one of us is the other's evil doppelganger. I shaved this morning; you rocking a goatee? We should figure out which one of us to shoot before this gets out of hand.

Aw hell, you just reminded me of the Floyd Missions in Jet Force Gemini.

And invisible lighting assholes, too! Just terrible.

That really is the one redeeming element of the Blackbird. It's still annoying though, and in at least one playthrough of the game, I've finished the level without ever finding my stolen money.

In 2011, they apparently patched the Steam version to have a slightly easier Meat Circus. It looks like I played that one, and I didn't have any trouble with it aside from one small segment where it took me a while to realize I had been trying to skip a platform and falling to my death as a result.

It'll always be a dumb, dumb song by a dumb, dumb band, but it being so damn fun to play in Guitar Hero singlehandedly turned my hate for it to love.

I'm a big fan of Super Bunnyhop, and based on his video the other day about R&C (LINK) it sounds like the writing in the game is actually worse, since it leans heavily on a mediocre movie. But like Sillstaw points out, the game has actual game to fall back on when the story struggles.