Merlin the Tuna

Glad to hear that you're enjoying Oxenfree - may need to actually add that to my Steam wishlist.

Aw, Blight Town was legit my favorite part of the game. The long descent through the scaffolding is one of few times in the game that you can (and need to) actually survey the area ahead and plan a route. It was a similar feeling to rock climbing: work your way to a rest area, plan a few moves to get you to the next

Is Barkley 2 getting close to release? I definitely want to fire up the ole zauber to prep for it, but I haven't heard much since the initial Kickstarter… however long ago.

I'm unclear on what Bryan Singer's filmography has to do with this trailer looking miserable, or with my original post.

Even then, I don't get the impression that people hate it - most of that seems reserved for Skyward Sword. TP's just treated (appropriately, IMO) as kind of a so-so footnote in the Zelda canon.

I had much more mixed feelings about the cast. Midna is great, and I enjoyed Zant right up until Ganon hijacked the story, but everyone else I'd rather have less of, particularly the resistance members. Ostensibly they're supposed to be allies, but they felt more like freeloaders. Ashei, for example, is presented as a

This looks like it might manage to steal the Worst X-Men Movie award from The Last Stand.

He then gives the chained Murdock an ethical conundrum that’s as high-concept as it gets, intended to make Murdock admit, as Castle growls, “You’re one bad day away from being me.”

I'm actually kind of confused as to what value ye olde quarter-circle motions/etc. hold at this point. Players actually flubbing a hadoken or shoryuken at this point seems pretty rare and is downright unheard of in the competitive scenarios that are increasingly pushed by the industry & community. Why bother with

The strangest thing to me is that I've always seen a lot more snark from party-mode players directed at competitive players than vice versa. The competitive scene largely doesn't care about casual play and accepts that it's a big part of the game's success, whereas the casual base has always had at least a small

That's… bold. Do you have any references on that? The taxi cab incident was a while ago and I haven't been able to refresh on many details in a quick googling. Mostly I see one reference to the defense's attorney saying the incident was "blown out of proportion" and the charges being replaced with the less significant

One week on vacation and everything goes straight to hell. What’s that? Everything was fine? No panic, no rioting, no bloody dismemberment? Not even a sprained ankle? Oh. Well. I guess we can still get caught up on the Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard [Link] If it’s not too much trouble?

I know! I literally went back through a year's worth of her comments to try to find the magic, and I just haven't gotten it.

Invisible, Inc. is on the docket for the few moments of gaming I have this weekend. I finished up my first time through (on Beginner) last night and… kinda didn't feel grabbed by it? I never felt threatened, my units felt same-y, and I didn't really rely on or care about most of the items/programs/augments I acquired.

The 3 turns thing, I'm cool with. It worked in FFT, it works in XCOM (when your units happen to not just die immediately), and it works in VC.

I didn't care for it, but it does some very interesting things with its design. Do note that it's not an RTS at all; it's a hybrid between turn-based strategy & third-person shooter. While the game's basic framework is super solid - especially for being a fusion of two disparate genres - I don't think the flow really

Only thing it's missing is a 100 hour sandbox and about ten more uses of the word "visceral."

Yeah, it struck me that way even in the moment. One of my strongest memories of the mid-game was Booker's seemingly arbitrary waffling between "I just want to leave" and "I need to stop Comstock." And not in an inner-conflict way so much as a confusion-in-the-writer's-room way.

The Human Centipede: Title Edition (:Revelations)

Re: verbosity, I'm fond of this round-up, pulled from the (fairly enjoyable) entry on the LP Archive.