Merlin the Tuna

Christ, the Floyd missions. I had purged those from memory. Thanks.

While the gameplay updates look great from everything I've seen (and I did actually like much of what they did with skills initially) they haven't done anything with the game's story aside from bolting on another act, have they?

Jet Force Gemini was so great right up until it reveals that accessing the final level requires you to rescue every single one of those suicidal teddy bear tribals. I think it may have been the first game I ever gave up on for reasons other than difficulty.

Were you just not buying any combat upgrades at all? Pistols are pretty much the strongest weapon in the game and pair perfectly with stealth, so I'm surprised to see so many people mention getting stuck due to build decisions.

Yeah, they were so, so tucked away, and sometimes they weren't even visible! You just needed to walk in the right spot, or hurl a bomb onto the right enemy's head in just the right way, or whatever. So inevitably your outfit ended up being a mishmash of a tutu, an astronaut helmet, cowboy boots, and wolverine claws.

Oh crap, Earth Defense Force! They are so, so bad, and so, so great. Personal highlight is EDF: Insect Armageddon, specifically for letting your rocket around awesomelly as a jetpack trooper (with terrible guns and abysmally low health).

If there's one thing I've learned from the trend of video arcade bars, it's that 90% of arcade games were beat 'em ups, and 100% of those were terrible.

Being an undiscerning dumb kid probably did not help, but even with a few Final Fantasies under my belt, I really enjoyed Quest 64. The active element of dodging enemy attacks felt like Super Mario RPG turned into more of an action game, which went a long, long way I think.

The Wind Wizard (who you just, like, run into on the side of the road on your way to more important things, as I remember it) was super weak to getting clubbed in his dumb bishounen face with your wizard stick, as I remember it. And now that I think about it, I think a lot of things were. Maybe the game was just all

They weren't limited by using humans in prosthetics, but they were limited by animation costs, and Bioware has never been terribly good at animation*. Same shit, different pile, as the saying goes.

Especially because some of the old weaknesses are inevitably true. "Ho ho ho, you think we care about crosses? Adorable. SHIT ON A BISCUIT, IS THAT GARLIC Aieeeeeee"

for example, imported the world’s most popular sport, only to give fútbol “a slave name.”

Yeah, I definitely didn't hit those and can't find google hits for any aside from the save game ordering. That sucks. :/

What bugs are you seeing in XCOM? I know teleporting aliens showed up time to time, but those got mostly stamped down in EU, reappeared in EW, then got stamped down again. Other than that, I didn't see anything big in my time with it.

It’s turn-based strategy week at Gameological! No, wait, it’s n-teenth sequel week at Gameological! Yeah, that works way better. Anyway, romance that waifu, whiff some 85% shots, climb some prehistoric towers, and desperately hope the servers stay up, because it’s time for yet another entry of the Keyboard Geniuses

I remember having a subscription to Nintendo Power for a period during the R/B/Y era, and every issue featured a reader's pokemon team. Even the editor of the shill-iest magazine to ever shill started getting a little snarky about seeing Zapdos, Mewtwo, and Lapras in every single entry. It was lovely.

Psychic was supposed to be weak against ghost per the manual (& the anime) but was actually immune to it instead. And the only 3 ghost types were also poison-typed, meaning they got straight wrecked by psychics.

Technically, Psychic was weak to Bug. But the only damaging Bug move I remember even existing is Pin Missile, which most bugs don't learn. (Beedrill does, but it's also poison typed, so… yeah.) Jolteon was the only reasonable option that got it, and much as I wanted to make Parasect work, he just does not.

Eh, you kind of need to give Articuno some non-ice attack or it's stuck with just Peck. Fly's not a bad choice.

I found myself thinking about Pokemon a lot during my recent playthrough of Persona 4, and I was really impressed by how well Pokemon nailed that feeling of progress.