Merlin the Tuna

Happy birthday!

From all of the preview materials & streaming I've watched, I've been super impressed by all the little details, especially how they doubled down on the unit attachment front. Having more outfits is… fine. "More hats!" is a punchline these days, but it's a decent (if uncreative) approach. But then you add in

SSDs make SUCH A BIG DEAL NOW. I've taken to playing Darkest Dungeon on my (admittedly pretty nice) work laptop instead of my gaming desktop since the difference between a modern SSD and a ~8 year old HDD connected via IDE cable is minutes of load time. The integrated graphics on this thing aren't nearly up to snuff

Kryptonite is fine. It's an unfortunate scapegoat for a lot of bad Superman stories, but it's fine. (Though interestingly, not the worst stories. "Supes defeated by Kryptonite" is run of the mill. "Supes walks across America, acts like a sanctimonious asshole" is miserable.) It lets him lose without jobbing out his

Wallace was kinda weak sauce though. He's got a nice portrait, but he's no Oswin.

It's sort of to be expected, though. FE has always tried to juggle political subterfuge with having Actual Satan running around, and that usually means somebody in power pulling their best Snidely Whiplash.

Perhaps Zelda Week was inside of us all along!

On the one hand, yes. On the other, if you went to the actual Gameological page (rather than just the AV Club homepage) they brought all their old Zelda articles front and center for revisiting.

Even though I've looked at yours multiple times and know it's Guardian, glancing at the thumbnail always reads as "balding yellow professor guy with a beard" to me.

Good. Lord. Reminds me a bit of a clip I saw with a gigantic "CAMMY CENSORED?!?!" headline that showed the camera no longer zooming directly in on her crotch during her fight intro.

Man, I think I'm playing Darkest Dungeon this weekend, but I just don't know. 40 hours and ~55 in-game weeks in, I'm theoretically near the end (15 bosses down, a whole bunch of level 5 heroes and one team of level 6) but heck if it feels like I've gotten anywhere. I've seen comparisons with between XCOM2 for how it

Wow. Wowie wow wow.

With less than a year between the two getting released, I can only imagine that it was parallel development with maybe a touch of polish added from hindsight. Especially since there are still fundamental differences in how the games play. To self-quote:

I don't think that's fair at all. It's got a melancholic setup, but it doesn't wallow in darkness any more than your average Zelda. It just puts a face on its troubles in a way that the more arch games choose not to.

Are there any big changes to the re-release, or is it mostly just a visual touch up?

She contributes in the final boss fight of TP as well. It's a really cool segment in theory - she's riding on Epona with you, lobbing light arrows at Ganondorf as you battle from horseback - but it's kind of weirdly sterile feeling in-game.

All y'all are crazy, but I am legitimately amused at Twilight Princess being completely forgotten on all of these power rankings. :P

Majora is what happens when you spend your development time making a game instead of an engine. That's the album; OOT was the band building a bunch of guitars.