Merlin the Tuna

And so, having wedged Sim City into the Fallout franchise, Bethesda moves on to the real prize: Salty Bet.

This seems as good a place as any to mention that Santo y Blue Demon Contra Los Monstruos has been in my Netflix queue for literal years, and they stubbornly refuse to acquire a copy of it. Can you give them a good talking to for me?

Poor guy just runs out of gas. :(

D-pad controlling forward/backward movement + yaw is classic tank controls, as popularized by RE. Even the inability to adjust your pitch without locking yourself into a stationary "shooting" mode has shades of RE. The addition of strafe buttons makes things more mobile than RE, but the controls never rise above

Ah yes, Jesus's brother Isukiri. It all makes sense now…

I find myself in pretty close agreement to Super Bunnyhop's retrospective, though it's been about 10 years since I originally played it.… . Circle-strafing totally trivializes the game when it works, but when it doesn't you're stuck using RE-esque tank controls or Goldeneye-esque

Megaman Legends is a neat game, but it controls horrifically badly and has not aged well at all. I'm no cheerleader for OOT, but MML is an artifact of a very specific point in time, and a key point of definition for that time is "before people had Mario 64 and OOT to base their 3D controls off of."

Stallord was pretty magical. I remember acquiring the spinner and rolling my eyes about as hard as I ever have at a Zelda. Then you get to Stallord's room, activate it, and hell yes this is the best thing ever.

The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Of course it is! Half of the reason I do this is to be able to fill it up with references that make me happy. You can't imagine how grumpy I was when Osiris' plug for the Wii Shop music got pushed out of the top 5. That's a perfectly good Anubis Market gag right there!

Right up there with Diablo 2 dropping Great Great Helms of Greatness.

BANISHED from the post. (And score consolidated. Thanks!)

Like the moon over the day, my genius and brawn are meticulously documented [here].

Yeah, hopefully they do something about it, and the eventual addition of town events may help. I just worry that they aren't approaching it from the right direction. My understanding from Early Access is that people rushed towards upgrading the guild and blacksmith, so they cranked up the number of relics (362 deeds

Fun fact about Bervenia Volcano: in addition to the Materia Blade at the top of the spire, there's another Move-Find Item tile out in the middle of the lava. But it's totally unusable, because you need Move on Lava to get there, which means you can't have Move-Find Item.

If there's a difficulty I have with Civ, it's that sooner or later every game I play turns into a Domination victory. Somebody starts a war with me, I smack them around a bunch, they ask for a treaty, and it's just like… nope. You made this bed, you're gonna lie in it, and P.S. the bed is a grave. And then I have a

The people who write Missable Item Guides and the like for GameFAQs are truly the greatest.

My wife will play Mario Kart with me, but that's about it for video games - it's the right level of trash talk-friendly & easy to play. She also recently joined me for Her Story, so I'll probably try to rope her in for Firewatch and the like at some point, but nothing competitive.

The bosses are neat, and the dungeon crawls and combat are good and super unique. It's the pacing/strategic layer that's off. You have a grand old time killing things, then go back to town and see that it barely mattered and it's grind all the way down.