Merlin the Tuna

Well, after 3 months, I’ve finally finished Persona 4. The clown car of final bosses has been cleared out, and I learned a valuable lesson about doing JRPGs for the Steam review thread. (“Don’t.”) Farewell, Inaba, you were pretty neat.

We've got some serious avatar/post synergy on here; everything just screams "IGNORE ME!"

Missed it by one letter.

On top of T2's strengths as an actual movie, it'll always have a special place in my heart because at some point my family acquired a re-release DVD of it that included a really good set of subtitle annotations. I've never really been one for commentary tracks - I don't re-watch movies very often and smothering the

Her transition between T1 & T2 is really incredible. T1, as great as it is, has a plot built entirely around traditonal, crappy gender politics. John Connor is a hero in the future because he's the perfect military leader for the post-cyberpocalypse. Sarah Connor is important because she can give birth to a man who

As I understand it, part of the strength of the 1% fantasy sports "elite" is that they can use these tools and the ability to enter multiple lineups to effectively turn an ordinary gamble into a mutual fund-like situation. They don't win every entry, but they're creating enough good ones that they're effectively

I also find it hilarious that they decide it is vital to retcon the Clark/Lois relationship, and their solution is exactly the same as the infamously reviled one later used in Spider-Man: Brand New Day.

So the "men work, women blow money on clothes & jewelry" angle of Ladies & Gentleman… In your experience, is it presented as more of a charming, winking riff on that cliche, or just plain ol' wildly sexist? It sounds like a fun game and I want to give it the benefit of the doubt, but the line between "arch" and

I also can't help but think they missed a golden opportunity to just name the game Later, They Bone.

This sounds very similar to one of my favorite Chris Sims pieces from a few years back: "To put it bluntly, The Problem is that DC wants to be Marvel, and they have for the last 50 years." (Not as fanboy-y as it sounds.)

No erectile dysfunction ads though, which felt unusual.

I also liked the Doritos one that ended with dogs stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat. Apparently I'm a huge mark for dogs, and also for that specific gag.

It also meant that your party was relevant to what was actually going on. This stands in contrast to something like a modern Bioware game, where your total freedom to choose companions means that they offer character-specific chirps but are rarely allowed to actually influence a scene. ME1 and DA:O were big on this -

Keyboard Geniuses Leaderboard 2016! Fight for everlasting peace!
(Scoreboard link)

That's the same Cullen from Origins, right? If so, I continue to be surprised at how much affection I see for him, since his main bit DA:O was advocating a "Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out" approach to the Circle that was pretty extreme even by the fascist standards of Thedas. Did they mellow him out a bit for

Yeah, much as I appreciate the attempt to find a middle ground between consequence-free flailing and do-it-again-stupid multiple lives, it's got some ups and downs. I remember in particular having issues with it with combo-based setups, like dropping a Load() and popping it with a Crash(). You lose one of those, and

Persona 4 needs to get finished. I pushed partway through the final dungeon after doing a quest+bonus boss run through Heaven, and while I only intended to level up one or two personas to learn their final skills, now I'm halfway through the dungeon and feel like I should just polish it all off in one go. A fusion

Game is so long! I was aiming to polish off P4 this week, then a fusion accident threw away about an hour of getting the right skills inherited. Why do those even exist?!?!?! q_q

I'm inclined to agree that the story drifts from "delicious pulp trash" to "just regular old trash" as it goes on, and any consideration of the context of the game only speeds that up. But the actress's performance is what allows it to linger in the former for a while, and the search engine, terrible as it is, means

I think a big part of it (even ignoring the implementation problems Duwease covered) was just that they gave you infinite time to pick Truth/Lie/Doubt. You need to train yourself to make quick, instinctual decisions for it to work at all, because after a minute or two of repeating the same fidget, everybody looks