Merlin the Tuna

Him failing to smother his laughter before he goes for it kills me EVERY TIME.

The only thing more astonishing than how many remakes & remasters they're doing these days is how many ways they're finding to screw them up.

GBA still has ATBs, they just bug out sometimes. Also has some nasty battle lag that pops up now and again. Other than that, it's a good port.

For the town, the short version is that everything's interconnected in a way that incentivizes figuring out your entire plan and executing all in one go rather than having a strict A->B->C process. To elaborate:

The percentages are generally rigged against rampant curio use, unless downsides include (A) blight/bleed that your unit has good resist against, and/or (B) a negative quirk that the unit already has. Some curios also don't have ANY upside unless you cleanse them, and even then there's generally more loot on a

Pretty much. I mean, the super snarky low-hanging-fruit answer to "has there ever been a positive Jewish character" is Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day.

That also makes Cecil a really interesting reflection of D&D concept of the paladin.

Yeah, it's basically a huge mess no matter how you cut it. Jim Sterling gave DD high marks early on, then the corpse/heart attack update hit, a lot of people turned on the game, and he retracted his review since it no longer necessarily reflected the true state of things. Then he gave it a good review when it came

Nothing to do with the game, but this looks like it was a ton of fun to write. Cheers, Drew!

I haven't experienced any heart attacks yet, but I at least appreciate the idea and the threat of them. One of the big draws of the game is mental stress being a big deal, and heart attacks succeed at that. The affliction spiral can be frustrating, since one guy going batty tends to stress a second to do the same,

You take that back, the hellion is a beautiful (iron) swan. Why, just last evening she told me "I will FEAST on your HEART."

That's fair. The only qualifier I'd add in DD's case is that its closer to something like Rogue Legacy than a pure roguelike. Yeah, individual units die forever, but each run nets you valuables towards permanent village upgrades that improve your chances for future runs. It's a slightly different ballgame than "You

Curious: am I the only one getting a tiny bit bugged by the UI?

Deeds in particular are just ridiculously limiting right now. Oh, you want your level 4 units to have level 4 weapons? That'll be 40 deeds. Oh, and bring back another 40 when you want the armor to go with it.

RE: #2

Yeah, 1 attack for 2 stuns is pretty much as good as you get in DD's action economy. Sure, some enemy groups wont have units in the 3rd and 4th ranks, but those generally aren't terribly noteworthy battles to begin with.

Even corpses - already a clunky, conspicuously designer-y "fix" - are more of a boon than a detriment. Since parties tend to have an explicitly-correct formation, you can combine corpses with movement attacks to keep enemies out of position longer. Pull backliners up, kill them, and now their corpses ensure the

On the subject of Early Access:

Except that they also ding you for lighting the books on fire. No good deed goes unpunished, apparently. </grump>

I… actually find that rather pleasant. It's bright colors on a dark background (like old black/green terminal displays) that bug me, but the white works fine.