Merlin the Tuna

As I understand it: there's a female character in the game whose father was a total Lothario/PUA-type, and she wants to follow his example by sleeping with (sometimes pretty rape-y-ly) as many women as possible. One of the support conversations involves a male character putting a powder in her drink that causes her to

At the risk of turning this into a splinter cell of that comment section… I think we definitely shoot ourselves in the foot by posting a billion "Oh boy, MRAs incoming" comments, because most of what I saw wasn't actually that contentious. (Though I'm sure a healthy dose of moderation helped.) The bigger piece is just

You know what, it's a new year, let's do this.

Clearly, he meddled with the sands of time too much, and now his memories are a horrifying patchwork of those belonging to various Princes across space and time, only one of whom managed to navigate the entire palace.

Hi-five on Call of Juarez, Matt! That one works well in part because it doesn't rely on the huge TWIST factor that the standard unreliable narrator does, since the folks in the bar are constantly calling Silas out as peddling bullshit. Tying it in to the level design as the story gets corrected nets it extra points as

I really appreciate the non-chalance about winter that a lot of upper Midwesterners have. Living in Chicago, obviously things aren't exactly balmy, but it seems like people just forget that places like Minnesota (or… Canada) exist while bragging about what they have to endure. And then someone mumbles about the lake

He's so great. The highlight was definitely the most recent rescue mission, when everyone else started freaking out about the inevitable "You're not me!" moment. Dude just steps up with "You've gotta work through this, so we're just gonna punch the monster in the face and get on with it. Because that's what we do." THI

Still playing Persona 4, and still shaking my fist at the review club for picking a 100 hour game! But seriously I am having a lot of fun, and I'm around October 25 so I think I'm closing in on the end. Kanji is the best - dude might as well be a super robot pilot, right down to wearing his school uniform like a

I always felt like the Igavanias suffered from kind of mediocre level design on a room-to-room basis (probably in part because Castlevania movement feels clumsier than 2D Metroid movement), but SOTN really is a special game, both on its own and for what came after. Even just the idea of the inverted castle is pretty

So… trap them in Limbo?

Shame to hear about Jotun. I saw that flipping through my discovery queue during the Steam winter sale and only barely convinced myself to pass over it. Looked like a Norse themed Bastion-style beat 'em up, which - heck yeah. I'm surprised you found the graphics unpolished though, given how slick they look in the

Bah, let's think about happy things instead! Like this Russian-folk-sounding cover of Bonetrousle, for example:

While I would not turn down more AAA 3D Metroidvanias, I think I hesitate a little there just because the indie space is as drowning in 2D Metroidvanias as the AAA space is in open-world sandboxes.

She - like Malcolm - was there early on to show that Jessica regularly deals with the weirdo salt of the earth ("Y'know: morons.") that the A-list Avengers do not, and also to show that Jess was ultimately a kind person despite her sarcasm and general crankiness. Having her in the show was a pretty great idea for

"Co-opetition" more refers to games that are fundamentally co-op but involve a healthy dose of (generally) accidental sabotage. Think Zelda: Four Swords where you're all on the same team but sometimes bomb your teammates because they're in the way or just not watching. Or New Super Mario Bros Wii, where ostensibly

One caveat I'll add - creating a private lobby (on PC, at least) involves playing with a few options that are weirdly tucked away, so it's not uncommon for people trying to play with friends to accidentally make the game public instead. If you get unceremoniously booted before even starting a mission, that's probably

Well the first secret is to just never play the locksmith :P

The weird thing about "Identity" is that it is hard as heck to clean out, even in the easier form that the Enhanced Edition patched in. Which makes the experience less like a meticulously planned masterstroke and more like, well, the hilarious bumbling disaster that is playing Monaco. I'm a little surprised that the

It's a slap stick, borderline "coopetition" game in multiplayer, but it plays more like a thoughtful puzzler in single player. Still works, but it's a very different experience.

Also with the series wrapped up, we can conclusively say that Tony and Cap really did die while pointlessly bickering with each other. Which is actually kind of great.