Merlin the Tuna

I've been enjoying Chris Sims' recap of the series (and comparison with the equivalent Japanese episodes) over at ComicsAlliance, so to crib from those:

"Actually, give me 3 more shots of Mako. I don't want to remember this in the morning."

Beaglerush has a few XCOM2 videos up that make it look like buckets o' fun; I don't see how it could be a step down from the last one. [Link] And the last one was really good, albeit probably not "transcendently great," so I'd say you're 100% on the mark.

IMDB says he was in 21 of the 93 episodes, which is actually way more than I thought. So… squaresies?

Alas, if only you could've spent your time away watching more Space Ghost, you might have remembered that Brak was a fixture on Cartoon Planet but was replaced by Moltar for SGC2C!

I sincerely hope that Arkham Knight eases up on the "Boy I sure would like to rape Catwoman and/or Harley Quinn" hench-chatter that Arkham City was so fond of.

If anything, I felt like a run button would've been a net negative. My experience with the 2D Marios was that I held down the run button 100% of the time anyway. Better to just have things work at the intended speed by default.

Has there ever been a bit-part NPC as compelling as Pork Bun Guy from Sleeping Dogs?

Now, I think “Fuck that.” Set me on fire, throw my ashes in a lake, and have a beer.

Super Metroid's 2 players/1 controller was also pretty fascinating, even if the on-screen gameplay itself wasn't anything terribly new.

I mean, this is not the hill I'm dying on, but thematically I think it works. Medicine as a field has connotations of prestige and wealth, which makes it good territory for white collar-y, Richard Gere-y films. But med school is grueling and expensive, residencies pay pretty unremarkably and doing 12-16 hour shifts of

If he's just starting his residency, that means he just got out of med school and potentially has some pretty heinous student loans to pay down. Residents also don't exactly make bank, so between that and prepping for a baby, I'd say it checks out.

And because I’m apparently in the business of comparing Alejandro González Iñárritu’s presumptive multi-nominee to other, better movies…

Nah, I'm not going anywhere near FO4. Bethesda and I don't get along.

Hrm, I was a huge fan of Dishonored, but a couple other ideas:

That's fair, but the counterpoint I'd offer in this age of Minimap Icon Vomit is that copy-pasted or lazy sidequest design is devs showing disrespect for (or at least disinterest in) the player's time. And if that's so frequently the case, why should I as a player go out of my way to show respect for their time?

My goal is to join the conversation. I've gotten pretty good about keeping up on my backlog (though it's back up to 17 items thanks to the winter Steam sale, boo), but between that and my general curmudgeonliness, it means that I'm forever out of the loop on new releases. Which in turn means I've got squat all to


I straight up don't understand why they're still trying to make the Infinity Stones happen. Have the first dozen Marvel movies not been opportunity enough to understand that nobody gives a shit about Thanos sitting around in deep space with his bedazzled gauntlet? As much as I think they've done the shared universe

His was a laser.