Merlin the Tuna

Low-tech-ish games for a Steam/PC newbie, off the top of my head:
- Undertale
- The Banner Saga
- Hatoful Boyfriend
- Papers, Please
- Shovel Knight
- Monaco
- Cave Story
- Anything super-old. Fallout, Deus Ex, Planescape, Baldur's Gate, etc. (GOG is also a good place to shop for these, though I do love having my

And they're going to do them all half-assedly anyway, so why not?!

Persona 4 is still getting the lion's share of my attention as well as a whole bunch of chatter on the Gameological Steam Group. But aside from that, I've finally joined in on the Rocket League bandwagon, and good lord it is hysterical fun regardless of how terribly I suck at it. (Protip: pretty terribly.) Do we have

Somewhat similar: at a pole dancing show a few weeks back, someone performed to Baba Yetu, a.k.a. the main menu music from Civilization 4, and I only barely managed to not burst out laughing when I realized it. (Pretty sure they frown on that.)

Maybe the complete destruction of civilization combined with an awful job market led to a lot of people reigniting their childhood dreams in journalism? You think about it, and there really isn't too much for folks to actually do aside from maintain the ships they're on and grouse about how terrible things always are.

Tammy Wynette - Stand By Your Man

Bad Religion - Los Angeles Is Burning

It'll go over great with all the stride mothers hanging out in the comments, at least!

And Will may not have even played the game until 2014 for all anybody knows. I haven't had a terribly difficult time not hearing any Kanye all this time. Can't really see why this is so shocking.

Kinzie's is great (and benefits from being first) but it makes Asha's even funnier.

The sing-alongs with Pierce do a better job of selling him as a close friend than any of the companion-focused RPGs we're seeing so much of these days manage.

Looks like we're not getting a Newswire or anything, so… Hey nerds! Final Fantasy IX is coming to Steam before the end of the month!

As a clarification to kmichaelkills' comment, my understanding is that DA:O, DA:O:A, and DA2 data can only be transferred to Inquisition by way of the Dragon Age Keep. There's no way to import straight to Inquisition via save file. The keep itself does attempt to import your save file information from the prior games

On a similar funk-station-in-open-world-game beat, I totally adored the entire Daptone Radio station in Sleeping Dogs, and it put The Budos Band very much on my radar. Big, brassy funk doesn't seem like any kind of fit for infiltrating the Triad in Hong Kong, but it somehow succeeded in making me feel like Shaft, and

Most fun would probably be making Brock and Reigns numbers 1 and 2, and having both of them eliminated during the Rumble. Sure, they're going to square off at Mania so you'd need to pass the belt at Raw somewhere along the way. But it'd be a nice tease for the eventual Mania match and would let both of their

Also to close out This Year In Comments, a couple quick shout outs to Staggering Stew Bum's bloodthirsty rampage through Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Unexpected Dave's adventures as Neutral Shepard through the Mass Effect trilogy. They were always a fun addition to WAYPTW threads, and here's to hoping 2016 sees the

It's also kind of interesting to see some of MM's design decisions as compared to the greater industry, both then and now.

Yep! A number of friendly Gameologerinos (most notably Fluka) have already piqued my interest in DA2, and its black sheep status among Bioware's work has only made me more curious. I appreciate the recommendation though!

Most of this discussion should really be tabled until we hit the finale, but I actually really appreciated that it is basically all about Jessica losing. Partially because it aligns better to the noir vibe the show started with than the middle episodes' superheroing. But also because it speaks to how saving the day

Wasn't one of the Chocographs just a picture of the open ocean? They fought a little dirty even then.