Merlin the Tuna

LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Aside from the dog, he was a good boy.

I've got a feeling 2016 is the big year for Brotherhood. You got this.

9 is interesting to me because I actually wasn't crazy in love with it when I played it in middle school, but I've increasingly warmed up to it over the years and probably would say it's my favorite at this point. It's undeniably backwards-looking after FF7 & 8 jumped into futuristic industrial dystopias with

If Shaq Fu can get a revival, surely Chaos in the Windy City isn't too far behind!

Ah, I was hoping we'd get a What Did You Play This Year thread going! I'm afraid I don't have writeups for most of these outside of the reviews I've posted on Steam, but…

All good suggestions, and there were a few well-regarded ones in the official list already. I'd also vouch for Shovel Knight, which basically released an entire second game this year in the form of the free Plague of Shadows DLC. And I thought highly of Massive Chalice, even though it undeniably lacks the polish

Just the one FOC two weeks ago, actually. Didn't even get a review.

Dangit! I had been unmoved on Talos despite seeing quite a few recommendations, but that was a lovely little writeup. Onto the to-do list it goes!

I liked Undertale because it cared first. It didn't think that I was deeply invested in it just because I bought it and started playing. Instead, it gave me total freedom to heal its world or tear it apart, then did everything it could to win my heart.

Really, pushing it to part 2 is almost a favor, because it justifies us posting elaborate paens to it in the comments section of part 1.

Is 57 the boss fight where there's a ladder of like 4 tiny blocks in the center to get up to the lightning bottle, or the one where the nearly-unreachable top area is full of enemies that throw lasers down at you?

Phew, I was starting to worry I was the only one playing Persona 4. Now, to solve a murd- oh look a sale on steak better go do that!

I'm with you on everything except Malcom. I liked his inclusion (and even the neighbors) in the early episodes since it's a nice way to keep the show grounded and show that Jessica has a good heart despite her sarcasm. But post detox, he just became astoundingly annoying, and I don't think anything killed an episode's

I really enjoyed Mad Max. It was top-to-bottom a great movie. But I'm also not sure that I liked it more than Furious 7. Little grumpy that the latter didn't make a single ballot and still managed a "most overrated" tag.

On the other hand, this was a great opportunity to re-read ComicsAlliance's ranting about the move (link) which hilariously wraps up with:

Bosses warn you by way of the fog door, but minibosses like black knights, titanite demons, or the hellkite dragon are not so considerate. (Also, traps. They're few and far between outside of Sen's Fortress, but they're likewise worth remembering in this context. Though many of them don't reset after killing you the

I remember those prompts being particularly frustrating in the otherwise cute 'Splosion Man, since it came up all the time in multiplayer. Arguably the best part of the game was everyone yelling at each other about whose fault each collective failure was! Failure is the entire point!

It's overused, but I wouldn't say it's straight up bad. Most crucially, it's valuable for tuning a game's length. Obviously, you don't want a 20 minute game to be decided by what happens in the first half-minute. But you also don't necessarily want things stretching on for an hour, and properly tuned snowballing

I actually disliked that element of Dark Souls because of how it introduces luck to the game. Not luck in the most obvious, traditional sense of having x% chance to succeed at a task, but in tying multiple lives of gameplay to an arbitrary decision you made on your first one.

FE is also weirdly vulnerable to emulator save state abuse though, since you can consume RNG entries via movement commands that you don't even need to lock in. I have no idea why they haven't just standardized the pathfinding algorithm; it actually seems like MORE work to tie in with the RNG.