Merlin the Tuna

Yeah, this sounds like a pretty by-the-numbers co-op game with a famous license behind it. Might be a nice pickup for someone with a light interest in boardgaming, but it seems likely to never make it off the shelf if you've got a decent sized collection of games to play.

Not as good as Kurt Russell pulling a bucket of them completely out of nowhere!

Yeah, I'm reminded again of one of Bill Barnwell's rants about how "field-goal range" is treated like a binary in/out state. (relevant)A 47-yarder is a good bet, but it's not even close to a lock.

first ever character whose power is bees

The big thing about that scene for me was that after so much talk in reviews about it being Vin's tearful goodbye to a dear friend, I was totally under the impression that they were going to kill Brian off and give him a nice eulogy. (A few lines during the climax plus F&F6's downer re: Han & Giselle certainly

It helps that Michelle Rodriguez gets to roll her eyes and give a little "Of course you are." Even in the F&F universe, The Rock is singularly ridiculous.

I love the idea of NickelbackCreed69 slowly amassing a swath of Keyboard Genius mentions and looking like the smartest of all of us.

(why is spellcheck totally cool with "Dijkstra?" Weird)

I feel like we should crowdsource the shame name game if Snake isn't up to it. I nominate SnazzleDEEZnuts.

This in contrast to the Orks, whose morality in the Retribution expansion consists of: "Do you want that sweet hat? YES YOU DO, KILL EVERYTHING"

If it's any consolation, I can't imagine Matt was thrilled at getting the Poopfeast420 treatment himself.

Is that for a recital/performance of some kind, or are you going out caroling?

If you want to hear Megalovania in an appropriate context without playing as a horrible monster, you could always just read Homestuck. I think it comes in somewhere around page 78,000.

This weekend, more La-Mulana! (Need to wrap it up so that I can give Persona 4 my undivided attention for the Steam review club, which, PSA, you should partake in.) Have I mentioned that I love this game to death yet? I love this game to death. Which is handy, since it loves killing me.

The thing about Line of Sight is that what's next to your cover is a deceptively big deal. If there's low cover/a chest high wall next to you, it means that your character can't step around their current cover to shoot forward, which absolutely kills a lot of your angles. It's near-impossible to predict the actual

Squadsight is love. Snapshot is whatever emotion makes a person turn a perfectly good Sniper into a terrible imitiation-Assault.

On a similar vein, Superbunnyhop put out another "Games From My Inbox" for super-under-the-radar indies recently. Haven't played any of them, but a few have made it to my Steam wishlist in the past and it's always fun for a look.

For what it's worth, I've found that Backloggery helps me focus my playing, and it keeps my purchasing in check a bit as well. (link to mine, for reference) Having 6+ gigantic open-world RPGs on your plate at the same time as well as a few long AAA games… yeah that's a situation I'd suggest trying to avoid. :P

You have chosen… wisely.

It's interesting to me that the Fallout 4 backlash is happening so quickly. My impression has been that at some point, nearly everyone turns on nearly every Bethesda game. Sometimes it's after an hour, sometimes 10, sometimes 100. But that inflection point of wondering why they ever thought it was amazing seems close