Merlin the Tuna

Excuse me, we do not speak ill of "THEY'RE BAAAAABIES!"

You can flee from all of the normal monsters, but honestly you sort of miss out by doing that, because the real-time minigames that spin out of their attacks are an important part of their characterization. From a difficulty standpoint, some bosses actually refuse to kill you, so it's just a matter of putting in the

I could be mistaken, but I thought it was impossible to kill that character, and there's a separate unique monster nobody likes named Jerry that you're allowed to kill. Not sure if he was a backer bonus though.

That's fair, though I'd point out that except maybe for the boss fights, nonviolent play is at least as engaging as violent play. The fight command is a simple timed hit, whereas mercy is something of a puzzle, and the possibility of guessing wrong means that you may actually have to deal with more rounds of defense

One of the top hits when googling for the game is a bunch of NeoGAFers gushing about your article, so good job apparently. Is it actually playable in English yet? I'd love to experience it directly before reading up extensively on it.

You'll see some monster repetition, but not much. Each monster has unique attacks (in the form of a Warioware, shoot 'em up-style minigame) and those attacks can change if other monsters are currently present. Likewise, Mercy options are unique per monster. You can always run from monsters before they have a chance to

You don't need to play with the code to get into Sans' room & workshop, just play the Pacifist route, get judged by him, then immediately reload (without saving). You'll need to do it a few times, but it's worth it for the gags alone.

but it's very exciting that critical assessment is diffused through so many different sources and perspectives

I'm sure a lot of folks here are tired of my rants about the continued existence of the term "true ending," but by god I just can't help myself. You're all wonderful people.

Couple other little bits on Undertale's presentation and implementation of choice, while I'm gushing.

Personally, I define art as "something that exists primarily for emotional value," so yeah, if art isn't making you feel things it's just not great art. (Or you're an unfeeling monster. Potato/potahto.)

But does the very act of creating a new word for it inherently deny these alien others their personhood? The term feels entirely unnecessary, in part because historically genocide has been attached to a belief that the targeted group is biologically different and inferior. It's like "xenocide" exists to say "That

Xenocide is a silly word that seems to have been invented by Orson Scott Card and is not actually in the dictionary. Genocide it is!

Remember when they nominated Fallout 4 for Game of the Year before anyone - even reviewers - had gotten to play it? Good times. (This is unofficially known as the "Most Ethics" award. Achievement unlocked, mister Keighley. Achievement unlocked.)

You're not wrong, and it's worth getting angry about. But it also shouldn't be totally surprising. (And not just because Square-Enix is trying to fight fiscal bankruptcy with creative bankruptcy heyoooo)

Totally in the same boat. I'm really interested in how they shaped the SC2 campaigns and enjoyed having played the first 3 missions or so from Wings of Liberty. But at the same time, I feel like the 'Craft format of RTS games is just kind of… completely not fun.

Yes, that was definitely what I took from the scene. My initial interpretation was that Kilgrave had ordered the driver to swerve away from him and thus caused the crash itself, though I formed that very early in the series so I don't recall if he yells a command or gestures specifically somehow. I think that's the

The Malcolm plot is the weakest element of this episode due to some
heavy-handed dialogue that Eka Darville struggles to make natural

I thought I felt out of touch from not knowing most of the artists or songs. Then I felt really out of touch when I realized that I don't even know the difference between the "Record of the Year" and "Album of the Year" categories.

I mean, Chrono Trigger's DS release (and the subsequent phone releases) were actual updates, they just didn't change the graphics because the graphics are beautiful. They also added a few new dungeons that are completely terrible. One is just a long string of awful fetch quests that involve running up and down a