Merlin the Tuna

We mustn't forget the part where Eva, after screwing with the timestream to clip this guy out of it, gets self-righteous with Scott for his attempting to talk the guy down peacefully.

Being bad at relationships also makes you a big two comic book character. Even the straightest of straight X-Men is not going to get an X-Book about being happily married and raising mutant babies in the suburbs.

Darkest Dungeon is pretty good, but probably worth waiting until it leaves early access. Pretty sure it's due Q1 2016.

I love the implication that he would actually attempt this multiple times per game.

Also, the MIB wiki (which is apparently a thing) says she was a major character on the MIB cartoon (which was apparently also a thing).

Dote-em-ups are difficult to get into to begin with, but you've picked a specifically tough time for LOL. They just totally revamped some of the underlying mechanics and introduced a bunch of items that are best described as "totally bonkers." It was actually enough to get me to finally uninstall it entirely, though

Wolfenstein: The New Order for me! I thought I had a reasonably good PC, but it runs like hot butt garbage even on medium-low settings. Kind of a bummer, since this is otherwise lots of fun! I'm only on about chapter 4 of Fergus's timeline, but it's been deliciously pulpy. Trapped in a coma for years on end? No

Congratulations! I assume that any talk of "starting on number two" means that there's already a queue of poopy diapers to deal with, so good luck with that.

That's actually a real company, not a Baxter Building reference.

This seems as good a place as any to mention: I just recently read through the Chrono Cross playthrough on the LPArchive. Wow. What a bizarre sequel.

So unexpected that it went unnoticed.

You may want to consider looking into Fate, if you haven't already. I've only played a very little bit of it, but it seems to be pretty close to what you're looking for.

I think the important question though, is "To what extent is FO4 actually able to let the player make their own story?" Skyrim was often dinged for being a mile-wide and an inch deep, but the same criticism could probably be levied at all of Bethesda's work. And I think it shows, because most of the stories I'm seeing

"I'm actually not a huge fan of galas. Can you bring me a honeycrisp? I think they grow just on the other side of the Valley of Bloody Defilement."

Eh, given that you're Space Jesus right down to coming back from the dead, I think any Good Shepherd allusions are intentional.

What specifically are you unhappy with in 3.5E? Homebrew is great, but there are a lot of systems out there to try out or adapt, depending on what your beefs are.

Well I thought I was going to bust open Wolfenstein: The New Order this weekend, but Steam estimates that the thing will take basically all weekend to download. Seriously guys, 45 gigs?

Yeah, a lot of games do screw up the process. FO3 would've been better served skipping SPECIAL-boosting bobbleheads entirely and just having them for the skills. (Similar to books in 1 & 2, and it sounds like 4 would've benefited similarly.) Or at the very least, plant the INT one right in front of your face as you

Why, out of curiosity?

In the last 24 hours, I have used both WinAmp and my Zune. Come at me, nerds.