Merlin the Tuna

I assume you've seen this by now, yes?

This seems like a really long way of saying "Maybe try Machete order?"

He did, and I kind of love it. It's not a good movie, but it's a great bad one.

That's a lot of smack talk about robot gun wizards coming from a guy who willingly inflicted Destiny on a colleague. :P

At a quick glance, I thought that was Admiral Ackbar, what with the whole Star Wars week.

I always understood their name to be a gag about the Eagles sucking. EODM is to Death Metal as The Eagles are to rock and roll.

In the comics, Doom and Strange have been on good ish terms with each other for a while. Doom always goes full bad guy eventually, but their default has been friendly since what, Triumph and Torment?

Frankly, the device's UI was better than the iPod's as well. The form factor and ad campaign weren't as good, but yeah… no regrets. I still get a decent bit of use out of mine too, since smartphones' battery lives are still so piddly.


Transformed into a pig, or literally inside the pig? D&D being what it is, either is totally plausible.

My group's long-running campaign in college didn't really do true death, which meant most of our would-be casualties had a fair bit of slapstick to them. For one, we were getting our bearings at the very start of a session when our burly fighter was dominated (failed save) and ordered to attack me (failed save), the

While you're totally right (especially on the DLC angle), Smash has included a lot of weird, low-selling/low-relevance entries in the past. I mean, Marth, Roy, and Lucas come from games that were never even released outside of Japan. Ice Climbers come from an ancient property, Pit was ancient and his series was (I

Totally agreed. It's a game that actually hits emotional highs (and lows q_q) rather than numbly poking your dopamine centers for a million hours, and I think that coming out around the same time as FO4 drives that home even further.

I have a dumb little soft spot for Pitbull thanks to how graciously he handled the internet sending him to Alaska for a Wal-Mart promotion. His music may be bad, but I struggle to hate the guy.

"Is She Really Going Out With Him" feels a little more honest about the narrator being a jerk, I think. The little bits of self loathing that peek through ("I wash my hair and I kid myself I look real smooth", "I get so mean around the scene") and the fact that he doesn't look at anything beyond the most superficial

Little disappointed to not see St. Pigeonation's Institute listed. How many post-apocalyptic communities are friendly, clean, and nationally accredited?

That depends a lot on what you're calling "the typical look of the series." Fallout 3 definitely brought the franchise back to mainstream relevance, but there's no shortage of old Fallout fans grumpy about how Bethesda reinterpreted (or possibly misinterpreted) the setting.

Finally, an appropriate place for this: I am so excited about not caring about Fallout 4. I didn't want to threadcrap on the hypetrain, but you're off the reservation now!

A juvenile dragon is still 26-50 years old (going by the 3.5E rules on the SRD) - plenty of time for them to establish themselves as jerkbags. They're usually a good fit to be bossing around packs of kobolds if you want dragons in an early adventure.

Oh no! Good luck, hope you find a new gig soon!